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How the Colors You Wear Affect Each Day of the Week?

How the Colors You Wear Affect Each Day of the Week? with Astrologer Ashish Somani

Our color choices can have a big impact on our interactions, energy, and attitude. Dressing in accordance with the unique powers of each day of the week can improve your daily experiences. 

Understanding how different colors influence feelings and behavior can facilitate thoughtful decisions that will improve one’s well-being, productivity, and positive outlook. Ashish Somani, an Astrologer in Ahmedabad, suggests that wearing certain colors on specific days may bring harmony to one’s life. 

This blog will offer practical tips on how to make the most of each day by making minor wardrobe adjustments.

Recognizing the Effects of Colors on Your Everyday Life

1. Wearing white on Monday

The Moon rules Monday is the first day of the week. Wear white on Monday if you want to draw positive energy into your life. Dress in unique shades of white to attract good fortune and blessings from the stars.

The virtue color white is said to purify feelings, attitudes, and actions. Adopt a positive attitude and develop into a person who radiates positivity.

2. On Tuesday, dress in red or related colors

Tuesday is red, the color associated with Mars, the planet mentioned in the Vedas. Those who want bravery and self-assurance must adorn it. This stunning color gives confidence and courage to face difficult circumstances or get past obstacles. It would be ideal to wear red clothing to keep motivated. 

Red in different tones would function just as well as fiery red. On the second day of the week—also known as the day of Lord Hanuman—have the passion to overcome all the obstacles.

The planet red, Mars, and Lord Hanuman, who proved his devotion to Lord Rama by coating himself with red powder (Sindoor), all combine to signify the significance of red today.

3. On Wednesday, go green

Green is the color of growth, so dressing in green is the cure for anyone hoping to prosper. It is sometimes advised that Wednesday-born people wear green bangles or carry green scarves to support Mercury, the planet that runs Wednesday. 

Green is a calming color that leads to harmony and peace. It also inspires confidence and joy in life. Wearing green on Wednesday will help you focus even more. Wearing green clothing in the middle of the week will help students the most.

4. Thursday, wear yellow

Yellow, whether bright or pale, is most likely to boost intelligence and happiness on Thursdays. Jupiter rules the color yellow. Therefore, it is expected that Thursday’s yellow color will promote success, calmness, and positivity.
Let the color yellow fill your fourth day of the week with strength and hopefulness.

5. Friday is the day to wear pink

Everyone who wants to manifest love, harmony, and financial bliss should wear pink. Venus rules Friday, so it’s an excellent day to stand out in the business and real estate sectors. Pink not only improves relationships but also strengthens one’s heart and mind on an emotional level.

6. On Saturday, wear black

Black on Saturday is regarded as violent or hazardous. However, in astrology, black is the protective color. People of both genders who want to find the strength to get over challenges in life should wear black. Black can help you overcome opponents and find stability in your life. 

Mysterious black is the color of dark energy. Wear black if you wish to explore your innermost thoughts.

7. Orange on Sunday

The Sun, the giver of life and energy, is in charge of Sunday. Bright orange combines the strength of red with the joy of yellow. You can feel more joyful and creative when you wear orange, and it can also help you unwind and prepare for the upcoming week.


Ashish Somani, an Astrologer in Ahmedabad, signifies utilizing these colors to balance your energy with the universe and improve the quality of your everyday life. Accept the ability of color to provide your life with harmony, balance, and fulfillment.

Understanding the effects of each color on you can assist you in making well-considered decisions that support your objectives and well-being and result in a more colorful and fulfilling life.


Q.1 Why do people wear green on Wednesdays?

According to astrology, Mercury, the planet of intelligence, growth, and communication, rules Wednesdays. For this reason, people wear green on Wednesdays.

Q.2 What is the bad color for Sunday?

Ans. Black is a terrible color for Sundays because it is unlucky and could oppose the Sun’s good energies, which are connected with Sundays as their ruling celestial body.

Q.3 Which color should not be worn on Thursday?

Wearing blue on Thursday is not recommended, as the planet Jupiter is associated with the color blue, which can conflict with the day’s Jupiter-dominated energy.

Q.4 What is the most confident color to wear?

Wearing red conveys confidence the most. It frequently raises self-esteem and projects a sense of authority and capability. It is a symbol of strength, power, and resolve.

Improve Your Study Concentration with Effective Vastu Tips

Improve Your Study Concentration with Effective Vastu Tips with Astrologer Ashish Somani

Organizing your study area to perfection can greatly improve your focus and academic output. The Vastu Shastra offers practical tips on how to set up a room that works well for learning. Astro Vastu Consultant Ashish Somani believes that these Vastu tips can help students accomplish their educational goals.

Despite offering practical solutions for both major and minor issues, Vastu Shastra remains underappreciated and often overlooked by the public. Implementing some Vastu tips can greatly improve your learning environment and general success.

In this blog, we’ll examine useful Vastu tips that can transform your study area into a heaven that encourages concentration. Find out how making small changes to your environment can improve your capacity to take in and remember information, decrease external distractions, and promote mental clarity.

Checkout Some Effective Vastu Tips

1. Examine the Position of Your Study Table

The Vastu Shastra emphasizes direction for focus and health. Place your study table facing northeast or east. Keep the wall in front partially empty, adding a motivational painting or images of Goddess Saraswati and Lord Ganesha. Ensure there’s a door or window in front for natural light and fresh air.

2. Calming colors

Various colors correlate to various moods, which affect a person’s productivity. Colors lift children’s spirits and help students retain their memories. The walls of the room should be painted in soothing colors like white, yellow, or green. Dark colors promote distraction and impatience.

3. Get your study area organized

A messy study area can be very distracting. Keep your study table clear of anything that isn’t needed for studying. Organize all your study materials, like books and pens. Unnecessary stuff can reduce your focus by bringing in negative energy. To stay focused, keep your study area tidy, and make sure you are neat too. Before studying, take a shower or wash your face and change into clean clothes.

4. Ensure a lively flow of energy

The Earth, water, air, fire, and space are the five components of life, and they all contribute to the room’s favorable and reviving energy flow. The decor for a wall or table can represent each of these five elements. 

To maintain faith and calm to focus, an air purifier, for example, can be compared to an air element, a bottle, or bowl filled with water, a tiny plant, or anything releasing smell, such as a vase of genuine flowers, etc., on the table or nearby.

5. Keep the bathroom separate from the study area

Using the restroom in your study area should be the last thing you do. The negative vibes arising from the bathroom affect the students. Keep the bathroom closed if you have no other choice.

6. Light in the space

Students should be able to see well in this room. Since natural light is thought to be the best, windows and doors are positioned to let light in. In the evening, sufficient light is also necessary to prevent eye strain and to keep darkness—a source of negativity—at a distance. An area with good lighting promotes focus and attentiveness.

7. The gap between table and wall

In accordance with Vastu Shastra, maintain some space between the table and the wall. This area encourages the free flow and simple implementation of creative ideas.


Your concentration and academic performance can be greatly improved by applying Vastu Shastra tips to your study space. You can create an environment that is ideal for learning by arranging your study table most advantageously, selecting soothing colors, and keeping your space free of unnecessary stuff.

To promote an energetic flow, make use of natural light, stimulating décor, and appropriate organization. With these slight adjustments, under the guidance of an Astro Vastu Consultant, you can turn your study space into a retreat where concentration rises and learning comes naturally. 



Q.1 How do you concentrate on your studies, according to Vastu?

The study table should face east or northeast to improve concentration. The area needs to be neat and well-lit, preferably with daylight. 

Q.2 What should I keep on a study table, according to Vastu?

Set a lamp up on your study surface. To promote Vastu positivity, you should always have a brightly lit lamp on your study table. 

It’s also important to note that the light should be oriented so that it faces southeast on the table.

Q.3 How do you make your room positive for study?

 Even a small amount of reflected natural light can add warmth and life to a room, which is essential for creating a productive study space. If you study, think about setting up a small table or desk near a window to let in some natural light.

Q.4 Which color is best for a study room, according to Vastu?

 Study spaces with light colors reflect most of the light that hits the walls. White is the best color for a study room, according to Vastu. The ideal Vastu colors for a study area include Alice blue, blue baby, blue paper, bubbles, fresh air, fresh water, frozen mint, and other light colors.

5 Secrets to Success in Business with Business Astrologer

A Business Astrologer combines the concepts of astrology with strategic business planning to provide insights that traditional methods might miss. It bases strategy creation and decision-making on planetary motions and cosmic energy. 

One of the most significant components of a person’s life is their wealth. In fact, people spend the majority of their lives trying to become wealthier. Therefore, it’s important to obtain money as soon as possible to avoid losing all the wonderful experiences of one’s limited life. 

How does astrology work for business growth?

Astrology is an age-old science that examines the motions and relative placements of celestial bodies to understand both nature and human phenomena. Astrology can offer crucial personality and timing insights that support planning, decision-making, and overcoming obstacles in the business world. 

Business Astrologer analyze birth charts, planetary transits, and other astrological data to guide the optimal periods for introducing new goods, making investments, or forming alliances. 

Knowing how Jupiter affects expansion and Mercury affects communication might help you time your business movements for maximum success. Business Astrologer offer a distinctive viewpoint that can give you an advantage over your rivals by fusing conventional wisdom with innovative business tactics.

What Do You Mean By Astrology?

Astrology is the study of how far-off celestial objects—most commonly stars and planets—affect human existence. It is based on the theory that a person’s birth position on certain heavenly planets might influence their personality, relationships, and even financial status. Astrology has been a part of many cultures throughout the world for thousands of years.

Understanding Astrology for Business 

Understanding how various astrological factors affect business decisions is crucial to using astrology for commercial success. These are some essential elements:

  • Birth chart: A picture of the sky taken at the time of your birth that displays the planets’ positions. It assists in determining your inborn advantages and disadvantages.
  • Planetary Transits: How the planets are currently positioned in relation to your natal chart. These transits indicate advantageous or difficult times for company activities.
  • Houses: Houses are different areas of the birth chart that stand for various aspects of life, including relationships, finances, and careers. The planets’ positions in these houses can affect the way you make business decisions.
  • Zodiac Signs: Every sign has distinct characteristics that might influence decision-making and business practices. For instance, Virgo is best at organization and careful work, whereas Aries is recognized for its leadership abilities.

The Best Business Astrologer in Ahmedabad can offer advice on the ideal times for business activities, potential problems to be aware of, and tactics to take advantage of positive astrological effects by knowing these components.

5 Secrets To Get Success in Business 

1. Timing is Everything:

The capacity of business astrology to offer exact timing for business decisions is among its most important benefits. You can determine the best time to introduce a new product, sign a contract, or make investments in new projects by speaking with a business astrologer. The right timing can reduce risks and increase your chances of success.

2. Recognizing Your Flaws and Strengths: 

Your birth chart indicates your potential flaws and natural strengths. By being aware of these factors, you can concentrate on utilizing your advantages and improving your disadvantages. For example, if your chart demonstrates strong leadership attributes, you can assume more important roles in your organization.

3. Using planetary cycles for strategic planning: 

Planetary cycles impact your business’s stages. For instance, growth and expansion initiatives can greatly benefit from Jupiter’s favourable location. Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Mercury is known for communication problems and technology errors, so it could be a good idea to postpone making big decisions and instead concentrate on evaluation and introspection during this retrograde.

4. Strengthening Partnerships and Relationships:

Astrology can shed light on your professional interactions. Gaining insight into the astrological profiles of your partners, staff, and clients can help you improve communication, settle disputes more skillfully, and establish happy work settings. Stronger, more fruitful collaborations and partnerships may result from this.

5. Overcoming Challenges with Astrological Direction:

Every business has obstacles to overcome, but astrology can make the process go more smoothly. You may plan and create risk-reduction tactics by using astrological analysis to predict future barriers. By taking the initiative, you can keep one step ahead of the competition and continue on your path to success.

Business Astrologer FAQs

Q.1 How can astrology help in business?

 Businesses can benefit from astrology in a number of ways, including better decision-making timeliness, a better grasp of market trends, improved team relations through astrological compatibility, and strategic advice based on planetary influences.

Q.2 Which planet is responsible for success in business?

Financial success has long been associated with Jupiter. It stands for expansion, growth, opportunity, and increasing prosperity. Strong Jupiters in a person’s birth chart or during significant business decisions are said to improve company success.

Q.3 Which house is responsible for business?

In astrology, the 7th house is mostly related to contracts, negotiations, and business partnerships. It plays a key role in corporate activities and alliances, impacting connections with clients, competitors, and business partners.

Mental Health and Profession, Effect of Rain?

Does Rain Affect Your Mental Health and Profession? explore with Astrologer Ashish Somani

If you’re currently experiencing rain and finding it challenging to maintain your mental health and professional life, this blog is for you. The weather, especially rain, can have profound effects on our emotional and professional well-being, often influenced by astrological factors. Understanding these influences can help you navigate the rainy season more effectively.

The Astrological Perspective: Moon’s Influence

In astrology, the Moon symbolizes water, food, emotions, mental health, travel, motherly love, and sympathy. When it rains, the water element associated with the Moon intensifies, impacting our emotional and mental state. For some, this surge in lunar energy can be invigorating and empowering. However, for those with an afflicted Moon in their natal chart, the experience can be quite the opposite.

An afflicted Moon, especially when associated with malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, or when placed in challenging houses like the 6th, 8th, or 12th, or in the sign of Scorpio, can lead to significant emotional turbulence. These individuals might struggle with heightened sensitivity, mood swings, and even mental instability during rainy periods.

Moon and Rahu/Ketu: Instability and Health Concerns

The Moon’s conjunction with Rahu or Ketu often leads to instability in mental health. Rahu’s influence can contaminate the mind, much like how it affects food, potentially causing physical illness due to improper diet. The sudden changes in mood and health can be disconcerting, making it essential to manage these periods carefully.

Moon and Saturn: Professional Challenges

When the Moon aligns with Saturn, challenges often arise in one’s professional life. This combination can bring about major disruptions, such as job changes, partnership disputes, or business upheavals. Saturn, ruling construction and structure, may also manifest its influence through practical challenges like waterlogging at construction sites, affecting productivity and progress.

During rainy seasons, businesses related to Saturn, like construction, might face slowdowns due to environmental factors. Additionally, industries symbolized by Venus, such as clothing, could see a decrease in sales, often resulting in seasonal promotions and discounts.

Remedies for Alleviating Moon’s Negative Effects

For those experiencing the challenging effects of a Moon-Saturn combination or undergoing Sade Sati (a period governed by Saturn), certain remedies can provide relief:

  1. Offering Water Mixed with Milk to Shiv Linga: This practice symbolizes the harmonious combination of the Moon and Mars, countering the adverse effects of Saturn and Rahu.
  2. Donating Food and Milk: Offering food items, particularly those associated with the Moon, to the needy or at religious places can mitigate negative lunar influences.
  3. Physical Exercise: Engaging in sports or physical activities can help balance the heightened emotional energy, as the Moon is friendly with Mars, which governs physical vitality.
  4. Spiritual Practices: Reciting Vishnu mantras or visiting religious places can enhance the beneficial effects of Jupiter (symbolizing wisdom and spirituality), harmonizing with the Moon’s influence.

Avoiding Negative Triggers

Individuals with a Moon-Saturn combination should avoid consuming old or fermented foods during rainy periods. This can help reduce the negative impact on mental and physical health, as these foods are believed to aggravate the detrimental effects of this planetary alignment.


Rainy weather can indeed affect mental health and professional life, especially for those with specific astrological configurations. Understanding these influences allows for proactive measures to mitigate challenges and harness the positive aspects of the increased lunar energy. Whether through spiritual practices, lifestyle adjustments, or mindful diet choices, you can navigate the rainy season with greater resilience and stability.

For More information or Booking a Consultaiton Please connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani, Astrologer and Vastu Consultant in India.

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Astrology Guidance for Kids’ Studies: A Simple Way to Identify the Career Path

Astrology Guidance for Kids’ Studies: A Simple Way to Identify the Career Path with Astrologer in Ahmedabad

Choosing the right educational path for your child is crucial to ensuring a bright and fulfilling career. Astrology can offer valuable insights based on your child’s birth chart, helping you make informed decisions about their studies. In astrology, the 5th and 9th houses are significant for education and higher learning. Here, we will focus on the 5th house, which primarily governs education, to determine the most suitable stream of study for your child. By understanding the astrological sign (Rashi) occupying the 5th house, you can align your child’s educational choices with their innate strengths and tendencies.

Understanding the 5th House in Your Child’s Horoscope

The 5th house in a horoscope is a key indicator of intellectual pursuits, creativity, and education. The zodiac sign that occupies the 5th house can provide guidance on the most appropriate educational and career paths. To determine this, refer to your child’s birth chart and locate the 5th house. Once identified, you can use the following guidelines based on the sign present in the 5th house.

Lagna or Ascendant Identification

Career Paths Based on the 5th House Rashi

Aries in the 5th House (Mars)

If Aries occupies the 5th house, the ruling planet is Mars. Mars is associated with energy, courage, and assertiveness.

  • Careers: Doctor, Police Officer, Army Officer, Marketing Executive, Travel Advisor, Pharmacist, Agriculture Specialist, Revenue Inspector, Land Dealer
  • Studies: Medicine, Surgery, Marketing, Transport, Law Enforcement Mars influences fields that require bravery, physical stamina, and a proactive approach. Aries individuals often excel in dynamic and competitive environments. They may thrive in careers that demand quick decision-making and leadership. Roles in emergency services, military, and high-stakes business scenarios are particularly suitable.

Taurus in the 5th House (Venus)

If Taurus is in the 5th house, Venus is the ruling planet. Venus governs finance, beauty, and luxury.

  • Careers: Banker, Fund Manager, Chef, Food Inspector, Financial Advisor, Real Estate Agent
  • Studies: MBA, Banking, Chartered Accountancy, Culinary Arts, Finance Taurus is naturally inclined towards financial stability and material wealth, making careers in banking and finance suitable. They also have a strong appreciation for beauty and luxury, which can lead to success in the culinary arts, hospitality, and real estate. Taurus individuals are typically patient and methodical, excelling in roles that require steady progress and attention to detail.

Gemini in the 5th House (Mercury)

With Gemini in the 5th house, Mercury rules. Mercury is linked to communication, intellect, and versatility.

  • Careers: Data Analyst, Pilot, Business Manager, Journalist, Teacher, Writer, Public Relations Specialist
  • Studies: MBA, Data Analytics, Business Management, Journalism, Communications Gemini’s influence makes roles requiring analytical thinking and communication skills ideal. They thrive in dynamic environments where adaptability and quick thinking are essential. Careers in media, education, and technology are particularly well-suited for Geminis. Their natural curiosity and ability to multitask enable them to handle complex and varied responsibilities.

Cancer in the 5th House (Moon)

Cancer in the 5th house is governed by the Moon, which symbolizes emotions, nurturing, and intuition.

  • Careers: Food Industry Professional, Import-Export Specialist, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Counselor, Chef, Interior Designer, Musician, Social Worker
  • Studies: Food Technology, Psychology, Counseling, Culinary Arts, Interior Design, Music, Social Work Cancer’s nurturing nature suits professions that involve caregiving, creativity, and emotional support. They are often drawn to careers that allow them to care for others and create comfortable environments. Roles in healthcare, social work, and the arts are particularly fitting for Cancer individuals. Their empathetic and intuitive nature makes them excellent in professions requiring emotional intelligence and a personal touch.

Leo in the 5th House (Sun)

Leo in the 5th house means the Sun is the ruling planet, representing leadership, authority, and vitality.

  • Careers: Government Official, Higher Managerial Positions, Entrepreneur, Actor, Director, Public Speaker, Politician
  • Studies: Public Administration, UPSC/State Administrative Services, Management, Performing Arts, Political Science Leo’s natural leadership abilities align with careers in government and high-level management. They are often drawn to positions of authority where they can influence and inspire others. Leos thrive in environments where they are in the spotlight, making careers in entertainment and politics particularly appealing. Their charisma and confidence enable them to excel in roles that require public presence and leadership.

Virgo in the 5th House (Mercury)

Virgo’s 5th house influence, ruled by Mercury, emphasizes precision, service, and practicality.

  • Careers: Nurse, Doctor, Chartered Accountant, Consultant, Healer, Editor, Researcher, Data Analyst
  • Studies: Medicine, Nursing, Chartered Accountancy, Consulting, Health Sciences, Editing, Data Science Virgo’s analytical and meticulous nature suits healthcare and detailed-oriented professions. They excel in roles that require precision, organization, and a methodical approach. Careers in healthcare, accounting, and research are particularly well-suited for Virgos. Their strong work ethic and attention to detail make them invaluable in professions that demand accuracy and reliability.

Libra in the 5th House (Venus)

Libra in the 5th house is governed by Venus, focusing on balance, beauty, and justice.

  • Careers: Judge, Banker, Interior Decorator, Architect, Civil Engineer, Film Industry Professional, Lawyer, Diplomat, Fashion Designer
  • Studies: Law, Banking, Interior Design, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Film Studies, Fashion Design, International Relations Libra’s sense of fairness and aesthetics is ideal for careers in law, design, and finance. They are often drawn to professions that require a sense of balance and harmony. Roles in the legal system, creative arts, and international relations are particularly fitting for Libras. Their diplomatic nature and appreciation for beauty enable them to excel in environments that require negotiation and creative problem-solving.

Scorpio in the 5th House (Mars)

Scorpio in the 5th house, ruled by Mars, brings intensity, investigation, and transformation.

  • Careers: Police Officer, Investigator, Coder, Detective, Land Dealer, Armed Forces, Surgeon, Research Scientist, Psychologist
  • Studies: Law Enforcement, Investigation, Coding, Surgery, Psychology, Forensic Science Scorpio’s passion and depth are suited for investigative and transformational fields. They thrive in roles that require deep analysis and uncovering hidden truths. Careers in law enforcement, surgery, and research are particularly well-suited for Scorpios. Their intense focus and determination enable them to excel in high-stakes environments that require resilience and perseverance.

Sagittarius in the 5th House (Jupiter)

Sagittarius in the 5th house, ruled by Jupiter, signifies wisdom, teaching, and expansion.

  • Careers: Teacher, Counselor, Advisor, Travel Guide, Philosopher, Author, University Professor, Foreign Service Officer
  • Studies: Education, Counseling, Advisory Services, Philosophy, Literature, International Studies Sagittarius’s quest for knowledge and truth aligns with teaching and advisory roles. They are often drawn to careers that allow them to share their knowledge and explore new ideas. Roles in education, counseling, and travel are particularly fitting for Sagittarius individuals. Their optimistic and adventurous spirit makes them excellent in professions that involve exploration and dissemination of knowledge.

Capricorn in the 5th House (Saturn)

Capricorn in the 5th house, ruled by Saturn, emphasizes discipline, structure, and responsibility.

  • Careers: Engineer (Electronics, Civil, Electrical), Accountant, Civil Contractor, Project Manager, Architect, Corporate Executive, Lawyer, Military Officer
  • Studies: Engineering, Accounting, Civil Work, Architecture, Business Management, Law, Military Studies Capricorn’s practical and disciplined approach is ideal for engineering and accounting professions. They thrive in structured environments that require meticulous planning and execution. Careers in engineering, law, and corporate management are particularly well-suited for Capricorns. Their strong sense of duty and responsibility enables them to excel in roles that require leadership and strategic thinking.

Aquarius in the 5th House (Saturn)

Aquarius in the 5th house, also ruled by Saturn, focuses on innovation, technology, and humanitarianism.

  • Careers: Software Engineer, Stock Market Analyst, Photographer, Coder, Foreign Language Specialist, Network Engineer, Social Activist, Research Scientist, Environmentalist, Politician.
  • Studies: Software Engineering, Political Science, Stock Market, Photography, Coding, Foreign Languages, Network Engineering, Environmental Science Aquarius’s innovative and forward-thinking nature suits technology and creative fields. They are often drawn to careers that involve cutting-edge technology and social change. Roles in software engineering, research, and environmental science are particularly fitting for Aquarius individuals. Their humanitarian spirit and interest in innovation enable them to excel in professions that drive societal progress.

Pisces in the 5th House (Jupiter)

Pisces in the 5th house, governed by Jupiter, symbolizes compassion, imagination, and spirituality.

    • Careers: Business Manager, Forest Officer, Doctor, Nurse, Charitable Institution Manager, Resort Manager, Artist, Musician, Spiritual Leader
    • Studies: Business Management, Forestry, Medicine, Nursing, Hospitality Management, Fine Arts, Music, Theology Pisces’s empathetic and imaginative nature is ideal for healthcare, management, and charitable work. They thrive in environments that allow them to express their creativity and compassion. Careers in healthcare, the arts, and spiritual guidance are particularly well-suited for Pisces individuals. Their intuitive nature and imaginative spirit enable them to excel in professions that involve helping others and expressing artistic talents.From the above, a general idea is taken for studies. The Rashi in which the Lord of the 5th house is sitting and the planet sitting in the 5th house also play a crucial role in selecting a study stream. A thorough reading of the birth chart will be helpful in choosing the right study stream for your child, and consulting a professional astrologer can provide valuable guidance.

For more Detail you can connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani

Match Making, Kundali Milan a Deep Astrological Insight

Match Making, Kundali Milan a Deep Astrological Insight with Astrologer Ashish Somani

Kundali Milan, also known as Horoscope Matching or Kundli Matching, is an important Vedic astrology practice used primarily in India to assess the compatibility between two individuals for marriage. This practice involves comparing the astrological charts (kundalis) of the prospective bride and groom to determine their compatibility and the potential success of their marriage.

Here are the key aspects of Kundali Milan:

  1. Guna Milan: This is the core of Kundali Milan, where 36 points (gunas) are considered. The compatibility is judged based on how many of these points match. A minimum of 18 out of 36 points is generally considered acceptable for marriage.
  2. Ashtakoota Matching: The 36 points are divided into eight categories, known as Ashtakoota. These are:
    • Varna (1 point):
      • This koota assesses the spiritual compatibility and mutual respect between the partners.
      • The Varna of the moon signs of the bride and groom are compared.
      • There are four Varnas: Brahmin (highest), Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra (lowest).
      • A match is considered ideal if the groom’s Varna is the same as or higher than the bride’s.
    • Vashya (2 points):
      • This koota measures the degree of influence and control partners will have over each other.
      • The zodiac signs are categorized into five types: Chatushpada (quadruped), Dwipad (biped), Jalachara (water dweller), Vanachara (forest dweller), and Keeta (insect).
      • Compatibility is assessed based on the interaction between these categories.
    • Tara (3 points):
      • This koota examines the health, well-being, and longevity of the partners.
      • It involves comparing the birth stars (Nakshatras) of both individuals.
      • There are nine Tara groups, and their compatibility is analyzed to foresee the health and longevity aspects of the marriage.
    • Yoni (4 points):
      • This koota evaluates the sexual compatibility and physical attraction between the partners.
      • Each Nakshatra is associated with a specific Yoni (animal type), and the interaction between these Yonis is assessed.
      • There are 14 Yoni types, and their compatibility is crucial for a harmonious sexual relationship.
    • Graha Maitri (5 points):
      • This koota measures the psychological compatibility, mutual understanding, and affection between the partners.
      • It compares the Rashi lords (planetary rulers of the moon signs) of both individuals.
      • A higher compatibility score indicates better mental and emotional harmony.
    • Gana (6 points):
      • This koota looks at the temperament and personality compatibility of the partners.
      • The Nakshatras are classified into three Ganas: Deva (divine), Manushya (human), and Rakshasa (demonic).
      • Compatibility is assessed based on the interaction between these Ganas, with certain combinations being more favorable than others.
    • Bhakoot (7 points):
      • This koota considers family welfare, financial prosperity, and overall happiness in the marriage.
      • It involves comparing the moon signs of the bride and groom to see how they influence each other.
      • Certain combinations can lead to Bhakoot Dosha, which might need remedies to neutralize its effects.
    • Nadi (8 points):
      • This koota examines genetic compatibility and the health of progeny.
      • The Nakshatras are divided into three Nadis: Aadi (beginning), Madhya (middle), and Antya (end).
      • A match is considered unfavorable if both partners belong to the same Nadi, as it is believed to affect the health of the offspring.

    Scoring in Ashtakoota Matching

    • The total score from all eight kootas is 36 points.
    • A score of 18 or more is generally considered acceptable for marriage.
    • A higher score indicates better compatibility and a more harmonious marriage.
  3. Manglik Dosha: This checks the presence of Mars (Mangal) in certain positions in the natal charts. If Mars is placed in specific houses, it can lead to Manglik Dosha, which is believed to cause marital discord. Remedies are often suggested if one or both partners are found to be Manglik.
  4. Doshas and Yogas: Other planetary positions and combinations (Yogas and Doshas) are also analyzed to foresee any potential issues in the marriage and to suggest remedies if necessary.
  5. Dasha and Transits: The planetary periods (Dashas) and transits (Gochara) are also studied to understand the timing and longevity of marriage-related events.While Ashtakoota Matching is a critical component of horoscope matching, there are several other important factors that need to be considered for a comprehensive analysis. Here are some additional aspects to consider:

    Additional Factors in Horoscope Matching

    1. Checking for Multiple Marriage Yogas:
      • Analysis of both charts to see if there are indications of multiple marriages or relationships.
      • Certain planetary combinations and positions in the 7th house or its lord can indicate the potential for more than one marriage.
    2. Checking for Divorce Yoga:
      • Identifying combinations and placements that might indicate marital discord or separation.
      • Positions of planets like Mars, Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn in certain houses can create situations leading to divorce.
    3. Compatibility of Lagna (Ascendant):
      • Since Ashtakoota Matching primarily considers the moon signs, the ascendants of both charts should also be compatible.
      • Ascendant compatibility can provide insights into the general personality traits and outlooks of the individuals.
    4. Position of Lagna in Both Charts:
      • The strength and position of the ascendant and its lord in both charts are crucial.
      • A well-placed ascendant indicates a strong and stable personality, which contributes to marital harmony.
    5. Position of 2nd and 4th House in Both Charts:
      • The 2nd house relates to family, wealth, and speech, while the 4th house relates to home, happiness, and domestic life.
      • Analyzing these houses helps assess the family life and financial stability of the couple.
    6. 7th House of Both Charts:
      • The 7th house is the house of marriage and partnerships.
      • Its strength, aspects, and the placement of its lord are critical in determining the success of the marriage.
    7. Position of Venus and Lord of the 7th House:
      • Venus is the planet of love, romance, and marital harmony.
      • The position and strength of Venus in both charts, along with the placement of the 7th house lord, are vital for marital bliss.

    Professional Guidance

    Given the complexity of these factors, it’s essential to consult a professional astrologer for a thorough and accurate analysis. An experienced astrologer like Astrologer Ashish Somani can provide valuable insights and guidance, ensuring a comprehensive horoscope matching process that takes into account all necessary aspects for a successful and harmonious marriage.

Astrology Combination of Venus and Rahu

Venus and Rahu Combination in Astrology with Astrologer in Ahmedabad

The combination of Venus and Rahu in a natal chart is a significant one, especially in terms of materialistic pursuits and desires. To fully grasp this combination’s implications, it’s essential to understand what each of these planets represents individually.

Understanding Venus

Venus, often associated with the Asuras (demons) and their teacher Shukracharya, is a natural benefic planet. In astrology, Venus symbolizes relationships, the spouse (especially for men), money, prosperity, desires, luxuries, self-respect, and the process of doing work. It governs beauty, art, love, and all pleasures of life. Venus brings a sense of harmony, balance, and aesthetics. It signifies everything that makes life enjoyable and worth living.

Understanding Rahu

Rahu, on the other hand, is considered a shadow planet, known for its deceptive and illusionary nature. As the commander of the Asura army, Rahu is full of valor and represents foreign lands and people. It is associated with everything that is unconventional, out-of-the-box, and often disruptive. Rahu governs software, films, photography, drugs, cryptocurrencies, credit cards, bonds, smoke, caffeine, and more. It is known for creating illusions, desires for material success, and sometimes unethical or deceptive behavior.

The Combination of Venus and Rahu

When Venus and Rahu combine in a natal chart, the results can be quite profound and varied, influencing different aspects of a person’s life. Here are some of the potential outcomes of this combination:

  1. Multiple Relationships: This combination can lead to multiple romantic relationships, sometimes simultaneously. The person might find it challenging to stay committed to one partner due to Rahu’s restless and unsatisfied nature.
  2. Earning Money through Illegitimate Resources: Rahu’s influence can drive an individual to seek wealth through unconventional or unethical means. This could include deceitful business practices or involvement in shady enterprises.
  3. Marriage with Someone from a Different Caste or Foreign Land: Individuals with this combination might marry someone from a different cultural or social background. Rahu’s association with foreign elements makes such unions more likely.
  4. Spouse’s Profession: The spouse might be involved in professions related to Rahu’s domain, such as software development, film industry, photography, or other tech-driven and innovative fields.
  5. Deception in Relationships: There is a higher likelihood of deceit and mistrust in relationships. The individual or their partner might engage in secretive or deceptive behavior.
  6. Cheating for Money: This combination can increase the propensity to cheat others for financial gain. The desire for wealth and luxury can sometimes override ethical considerations.
  7. Love for Luxury and Foreign Cars: A strong inclination towards luxurious and foreign vehicles is often seen. The person might have a penchant for high-end cars and a luxurious lifestyle.
  8. Preference for Perfumes and Loose Clothes: There is often a love for fragrances and a preference for wearing loose, comfortable clothing.
  9. Passion for Foreign Vacations: Individuals with this combination often have a strong desire to travel abroad and enjoy vacations in foreign lands.
  10. Ownership of Multiple Vehicles: Owning several vehicles, especially luxury ones, is a common trait.

Positive Outcomes of a Well-Placed Rahu and Venus

If Rahu and Venus are well-placed and positively influenced in the natal chart, the following outcomes are possible:

  1. Worship of Devi: There might be a strong inclination towards worshipping goddesses, indicating a high level of devotion and spiritual inclination.
  2. High Level of Devotion: The individual might display significant dedication in their spiritual or religious practices.
  3. Intuitive Ability: Enhanced intuitive abilities and a strong sixth sense can be developed.

Remedies for Negative Effects of Rahu-Venus Combination

If the combination of Rahu and Venus is causing negative effects, the following remedies can be helpful:

  1. Correcting Character: It’s essential to work on one’s character and ethical behavior, ensuring honesty and integrity in all dealings.
  2. Donating to Women: Donating to causes that support women and helping females in need can mitigate the adverse effects.
  3. Charity: Engaging in charitable activities, especially those benefiting women, can bring positive changes.
  4. Avoid Cheating: It is crucial to avoid deceitful practices and maintain honesty in relationships and financial dealings.
  5. Ethical Earning: Ensuring that money is earned through legitimate and ethical means is important to counteract the negative influences of Rahu.

By understanding the intricacies of the Venus and Rahu combination and taking appropriate measures, one can navigate the challenges and harness the potential benefits this planetary alignment offers.

For more Insight Please connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani

Residential Vastu Shastra and Role of Colors

Residential Vastu Shastra and Role of Colors with Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

According to  Vastu Shastra, colors can create peace and good vibes in our houses. Ancient architectural knowledge reveals how color can be utilized in harmony with Vastu Shastra principles.
With its roots in ancient Indian customs, Vastu Shastra helps us design living environments that are in accordance with cosmic forces and promote wealth and well-being. Color is intentionally used as one of the key components of this technique.


The concepts of Vastu Shastra are modified, especially for homes, by Residential Vastu Shastra. Optimizing the flow of energy throughout living areas, it combines cosmic energies, natural materials, and architectural rules.
Fundamentally, Vastu Shastra stresses arranging the house in accordance with the five elements of nature—earth, water, fire, air, and space—as well as the directions in which they correlate.

The Effects of Color on Energy

Our mood, wellbeing, and sense of self are all greatly influenced by colors. As per the Vastu Shastra, color is associated with particular elements and directions, making it an essential component for maintaining balance in the surroundings.
Due to their association with the fire element, warm colors like reds and oranges are ideal for spaces like living rooms or dining rooms where people need to feel warm and active.
On the other hand, cool colors like blue and green symbolize the earth and water components, which encourage stability and peace. For these reasons, they are appropriate for meditation rooms and bedrooms.

Practical Applications of Color in

1. Choosing the Right Colors for Different Rooms

Bedrooms: Soft shades such as light blues and green soothe, promoting a peaceful sleep environment.

Kitchen: Bright yellows and oranges are a source of energy and hunger, creating an environment for cooking and eating.

Living Room: Warm earth tones and neutrals promote warmth and social interaction, welcoming and settling guests.

2. Color Combinations and Their Effects

Complementary color combinations may increase their beneficial benefits. For instance, combining red and green promotes development and health, while combining blue and white promotes calm and purity.

3. Correcting Imbalances with Colors

When Vastu flaws are found, including incorrect room orientations or negative energy flows, changing color schemes can help relieve these problems and bring peace back.

Integrating Colors with Architectural Design

Using colors that are in accordance with Vastu is possible when it comes to architectural features like walls, flooring, and furnishings.

Homeowners may design spaces that look not only good, but also feel peaceful and energetically balanced by matching color schemes to the purpose of each room and the general Vastu standards.


The quality of life can be greatly improved by including the concepts of Vastu in our houses through thoughtful color selection. Homeowners may design environments that support success, pleasure, and health by knowing the psychological and energetic effects of color and how they connect with It’s principles.

By using the right colors, applying the principles of It improves a home’s aesthetic appeal, promotes the flow of positive energy, and improves overall well-being


Q.1 What is the role of colors in Vastu?

Ans.  colors have a significant impact on the emotions and energy levels of a room. Every color has a corresponding element and direction that affects the overall balance and harmony of a house.

Q.2 Why is color important in a house?

Ans. Since colors have an impact on emotion, perception, and energy flow, they are significant in a home. When selected in accordance with Vastu principles, they can improve general well-being by creating a sense of harmony and balance.

Q.3 What is the psychology of color in the house?

Ans. The way that certain colors inspire particular emotional reactions is related to the psychology of color in the home. While cold colors like blue and green encourage calmness and relaxation, bright colors like red and orange can arouse enthusiasm.

Q.4 Which colors should be avoided, according to Vastu?

Ans. Black and deep red colors are among the colors that should be avoided in a home,  because they might draw bad energy and interfere with the harmonious flow of positive energy.

For a Vastu Visit Please connect with us on Astrologer Ashish Somani


Vastu Tips for New Home From Best Astro Vastu Consultant

Vastu Tips for New Home From Best Astro Vastu Consultant

Considering purchasing a new house? The guidance of an Astro Vastu Consultant can be priceless. Being a homeowner is a unique opportunity for most people in India. Purchasing a home is a significant life decision that requires careful consideration of not only financial but also emotional, spiritual, and practical aspects.
In accordance with Vastu Shastra, an age-old Indian science, the way a house interacts with the natural forces surrounding it has a big influence on people’s health and prosperity.
Looking to implement Vastu principles in the home-buying process? An Astro Vastu Consultant can provide invaluable insights. A happy and wealthy life can be achieved with the help of good vastu.

Vastu Tips for New Home

Consequently, it would help if you kept in mind a few Vastu principles when moving to your new home.

  • 1. Planting large trees in the southwest corner of a property stabilizes finances, according to Vastu for money. It also reduces the chances of economic and household disasters. These plantations should never be located in a northeastern direction, as this hinders money flow.
  • 2. Place the storage room facing the west or northwest of the house.
  • 3. Any tall buildings, temples, or other structures should not be located in the northeast direction of the house. It results in a loss of wealth, according to Vastu. If such structures are there, make sure they don’t cast too much shadows on your new home or property.
  • 4. Leaking taps and valves need to be repaired or replaced since they waste money and cause waste.
  • 5. Ensure that there are never any activities taking place in the center of the home. There should always be a building or heavy lifting in this area.
  • 6. It is best to get rid of outdated clothes, broken furniture, malfunctioning devices, and other trash from the house right away, especially before a big celebration. These things can intensify negative energy, leading to mental health challenges, roadblocks, and decreased productivity in work-related activities.
  • 7. Large-scale housewarming celebrations should be avoided since they could attract negative energy that could worsen people’s physical and mental health.
  • 8. Give your new house’s main entry a unique look to create a welcoming atmosphere for prosperity and wealth. Additionally, personalize your home’s name and license plate. Make sure this space is beautifully coloured and well-lit.
  • 9. Before you enter, make sure to wash the house completely with salt water to get rid of any lingering negative energy. An alternative option for cleaning is to use white vinegar, lime juice, and salt.
  • 10. Keep the northeast section of the house free from any Vastu doshas. Lord Kuber and Goddess Laxmi are believed to live in this area. A Vastu dosha of any kind in this domain may cause income to decline.


Speak with a reliable Astro Vastu Consultant if you’re looking for Vastu advice for your new home. You can make a smart decision that lays the groundwork for a peaceful and prosperous future in your new home with the knowledge and assistance of the best Astro Vastu Consultant, Ashish Somani.
A purposeful arrangement of the location, rooms, natural light, surroundings, and decor can introduce your house to positive energies that support your family’s prosperity and well-being.


Q.1 How to check Vastu dosh in the house?

Ans. To find any Vastu doshas (defects), speak with a Vastu specialist who can examine the house’s design, orientation, and energy flows.

Q.2 Which house entrance is good for Vastu?

Ans. According to Vastu Shastra, entrances that face north or east are lucky because they let good energy into the house.

Q.3 How to remove negativity from your home as per Vastu?

Ans. Play soothing music, keep the place tidy and free of garbage, burn camphor or sage (smudging), and make sure there is adequate ventilation to drive out negativity.

Q.4 How to correct the Vastu of the house?

Ans. Place furniture differently, use colors that are conducive to Vastu, add mirrors to reflect bad energy, arrange Vastu pyramids, and apply Vastu treatments such as strategically placing plants, crystals, or salt.


Famous Astrologer In India & 7 Benefits of Consulting

Benefits of Consulting a Famous Astrologer In India
India, a spiritually and culturally rich nation, relies on astrology to interpret the opportunities and challenges of life. According to
Famous Astrologer in India, Ashish Somani, astrology consultation has several advantages that affect one’s personal, professional, and spiritual life, in addition to satisfying curiosity about the future. 

Here are some solid reasons why people in India consult Famous Astrologer in India:

1. Accurate Predictions and Insights

Famous Astrologer in India are highly regarded for their ability to provide precise forecasts and extensive knowledge of life’s complexities. They interpret planetary movements and their impact on humans by applying astrological concepts and ancient Vedic teachings.

Under the direction of an astrologer, people can gain understanding and get ready for upcoming obstacles, whether they are facing health or marital problems.

2. Personalized Guidance and Solutions

Everybody has a different astrological chart, or kundali, which reflects their qualities, difficulties, and opportunities. Famous Astrologer in India thoroughly analyse the charts and provide personalized guidance that is specifically customized to meet individual requirements and life aspirations.

They can advise on how to attain fulfillment in relationships, finances, and personal development by sharing detailed insights into their lives.

3. Decision-Making Support

When it comes to determining the auspicious timing (muhurta) of important life events like marriage, buying a property, or launching a new business venture, astrologers are essential in the decision-making process. 

People can maximize results and reduce risks by coordinating their activities with advantageous planetary placements, which will guarantee success and wealth in their activities.

4. Psychological and Emotional Well-being

Famous Astrologer in India provide vital psychological and emotional assistance during trying times, in addition to their ability to foresee events.  

Through an analysis of underlying astrological forces, they provide insight into previous occurrences and present issues, offering comfort and assurance.

Individuals who are provided with this emotional support are more likely to embrace life and approach situations in a confident manner.

5. Insights into Relationship Compatibility

Building pleasant relationships requires an understanding of interpersonal dynamics. Famous astrologers evaluate a person’s compatibility with another person using astrological charts, and they also guide possible outcomes and opportunities in a relationship.

Stronger bonds are eventually the result of their mentoring, which promotes clear communication and improved understanding in romantic, family-related, or professional interactions.

6. Spiritual Growth and Self-awareness

Famous astrologist consultations in India frequently go beyond simple predictions to promote self-awareness and spiritual development. Through the study of astrology, individuals can explore their own destiny and discover personal growth through the lessons taught in their life’s chart.

This spiritual awakening brings purpose and satisfaction in life by encouraging self-reflection, meditation, and connection to higher planetary energies.

7. Cultural and Traditional Wisdom

Astrology is interwoven with ancient customs and rituals in India’s rich culture. The protection and interpretation of traditional knowledge by renowned astrologers enable customers to feel more connected to their ancestral heritage.

Astrologers are able to offer useful guidance and solutions that are applicable to the present by combining traditional wisdom with modern lifestyles.


Talking with a Famous Astrologer in India is not just about life predictions but also about spiritual guidance and the preservation of one’s culture. By utilising their knowledge, people can rise above life’s challenges and discover their full potential, leading to joyful and fulfilling lives.

The benefits of astrology are always present in the Indian environment, whether seeking spiritual guidance or clarity on personal matters.


Q.1 Why should I consult an astrologer?

Ans Making educated decisions, gaining an understanding of life’s obstacles, and receiving direction for spiritual development and advancement are all improved by seeing an astrologer.

Q.2 What are the benefits of astrologers?

Ans. Astrologers improve general well-being by providing precise forecasts, individualized advice based on your birth chart, emotional support, and help with significant life decisions.

Q.3 What is astrology consultation?

Ans. Astrology consultation involves analyzing planetary positions and their influence on individual lives to provide predictions, guidance, and remedies for various aspects such as career, relationships, and health.

Q.4 Does astrology really work?

Ans. Many find astrology insightful and beneficial, as it provides a framework to understand oneself and navigate life’s challenges. Its effectiveness varies based on personal beliefs and experiences.

