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Saturn and Rahu Combination Effect in Astrology

Saturn and Rahu Combination with Astrologer in Ahmedabad

The conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in a birth chart creates a complex interplay of energies, blending the characteristics and effects of both celestial bodies in unique ways. Saturn, known as the taskmaster of the zodiac, represents discipline, hard work, and long-term goals. In contrast, Rahu symbolizes expansion, obsession, unconventional thinking, and a desire for worldly gains, often associated with illusion and unpredictability.

When these two planets come together, their conjunction can significantly influence an individual’s career or business path. Saturn’s slow and steady influence clashes with Rahu’s unpredictable and sometimes disruptive nature, creating challenges that may manifest as delayed results or sudden changes in professional circumstances. This blend can initially pose obstacles to establishing stability and consistent growth in one’s profession or business ventures.

Over time, however, as Saturn matures and stabilizes the influence of Rahu, this conjunction has the potential to yield positive outcomes. Individuals with this planetary combination often find themselves excelling in professions or businesses that involve unconventional fields such as photography, software development, cinema, foreign trade, or dealings in foreign lands. They may also thrive in industries related to tobacco, liquor, or other substances, often working in roles that require strategic thinking and innovative approaches.

However, it’s crucial to note that the Saturn-Rahu conjunction can also indicate tendencies towards obsession with work or business success. Individuals may find themselves overly focused on achieving their goals, sometimes at the expense of ethical boundaries. It’s essential for them to maintain a balanced approach and avoid succumbing to unethical practices or shortcuts in their professional endeavors.

The specific degrees of Saturn and Rahu in the birth chart play a pivotal role in determining the manifestation of this conjunction’s effects. A strongly placed Saturn with favorable degrees can provide stability and longevity in careers or businesses, fostering resilience against external challenges. Conversely, if Rahu holds greater influence through its degree placement, individuals may experience frequent shifts in professions or business ventures as they seek new opportunities and experiences.

The placement of Saturn and Rahu within specific zodiac signs (rashi) also significantly influences their impact. When this conjunction occurs in Saturn’s own sign, such as Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn feels empowered and tends to mitigate Rahu’s disruptive tendencies, fostering more positive outcomes in career or business pursuits. However, when placed in signs where Saturn faces challenges or is considered debilitated, such as Aries or Leo, the conflicting energies may lead to more pronounced obstacles or setbacks.

Astrologically, navigating the effects of the Saturn-Rahu conjunction requires a nuanced understanding of each individual’s birth chart dynamics. Assessing how these planets interact with other astrological factors, such as the moon’s position or aspects from other planets, provides deeper insights into the specific challenges and opportunities this conjunction may present in one’s professional life.

In conclusion, while the Saturn-Rahu conjunction can present initial challenges and complexities in career or business endeavors, it also holds the potential for significant growth and success over time. Understanding and harnessing the combined energies of Saturn and Rahu can empower individuals to navigate their professional paths with resilience, strategic foresight, and ethical integrity.

If you’re interested in exploring more about how this conjunction influences your career or business prospects, feel free to reach out for a detailed astrological consultation with Astrologer in Ahmedabad

Vaastu Tips For Wrist Watch and Wallet

Vaastu Tips For Wrist Watch and Wallet with Vastu Consultant in Gujarat

In Vasstu Tips it is advisable not to keep your wristwatch along with your wallet containing money in a drawer. This is because the watch represents the Sun, while money represents Venus, and these two celestial bodies are believed to have an unfavorable relationship. As a result, it is believed that keeping them together may lead to financial loss, relationship issues, or even affect the health of one’s spouse.

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Vaastu Tip for Placing Keys: Understanding the Energetic Implications

Vaastu Tip for Placing Keys: Understanding the Energetic Implications Vaastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

In Vaastu Shastra, the placement of everyday items can significantly influence the energy flow within a home or workplace. One such item is the keys we use daily. It is commonly advised to avoid placing keys within or on top of a shoe rack. This seemingly simple practice can have profound effects due to the interplay of planetary energies associated with Saturn and Mercury. Here’s an in-depth look at why this combination can create challenges and how to mitigate its negative consequences.

Understanding Planetary Energies: Saturn and Mercury


  • Attributes: Saturn is associated with discipline, hard work, responsibility, and limitations.
  • Impact: Its influence can bring delays, challenges, and a sense of heaviness or restriction in various life areas.


  • Attributes: Mercury governs communication, intellect, business, and adaptability.
  • Impact: It enhances quick thinking, effective communication, and flexibility but can also lead to restlessness and inconsistency if not balanced properly.

When these two planets’ energies mix inappropriately, such as placing keys on a shoe rack, it can lead to various disruptions in life.

Potential Challenges of Mixing Saturn and Mercury Energies

  1. Business and Employment:

    • Irrational Decisions: The combination can cause confusion and miscommunication, leading to poor decision-making in professional settings.
    • Partnership Issues: For businesspeople, this may result in errors when choosing partners or collaborators, potentially leading to financial losses or legal problems.
    • Employment Challenges: Employees might face misunderstandings with colleagues or superiors, resulting in job instability or dissatisfaction.
  2. Family Dynamics:

    • Educational Difficulties: Students might find it harder to concentrate or achieve higher education degrees due to the conflicting energies.
    • Communication Problems: Misunderstandings and conflicts among family members can arise, particularly between siblings, leading to a disharmonious home environment.
    • Conflict with Siblings: There may be an increase in disagreements and arguments with siblings, disrupting familial peace.

Remedies and Best Practices

To avoid these negative impacts, consider the following Vaastu tips for key placement:

  1. Separate Storage for Keys:

    • Dedicated Key Holder: Place keys on a wall-mounted key holder or a specific bowl or tray designed for keys. This helps maintain a clear and distinct energy for keys.
    • Avoid Shoe Racks: Keep keys away from shoe racks to prevent the mixing of Saturn and Mercury energies.
  2. Positive Energy Locations:

    • North or East Direction: Store keys in the north or east part of your home. These directions are generally considered auspicious and can enhance positive energy flow.
    • Entrance Area: Placing keys near the entrance (but not on a shoe rack) can symbolize readiness and preparedness without mixing energies.
  3. Daily Rituals:

    • Cleanliness: Ensure that the area where keys are placed is clean and clutter-free. Cleanliness helps maintain positive energy.
    • Metal Bowls or Trays: Using a metal bowl or tray for storing keys can also help enhance Mercury’s positive influence, as Mercury is associated with metals like brass and copper.
  4. Mindful Practices:

    • Mindful Placement: Be conscious of where you place your keys. Avoid dumping them haphazardly, as this can create chaotic energy.
    • Intentional Living: Adopt a mindful approach to all aspects of your home organization. Every item’s placement should be intentional to maintain a harmonious energy balance.


The placement of keys, while seemingly minor, holds significant importance in Vaastu Shastra due to the interplay of planetary energies. Avoiding the combination of Saturn and Mercury energies by not placing keys on shoe racks can prevent various challenges in business, employment, and family dynamics. By following these Vaastu tips, you can create a more harmonious and balanced living environment, fostering positive energy and reducing potential conflicts.


For A Personalized Vaastu Consultancy you may connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani 


Vaastu Tips for Washroom

Vaastu Tips for Washroom with Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

According to Astro Vaastu principles (Vaastu Tips for Washroom), it is advisable to ensure that your washroom is dry after bathing. If it remains wet, it may combine the energy of Saturn, Rahu, and Moon which may potentially result in the following outcomes:

  • Challenges in job or business/profession, affecting your career or business growth.
  • The presence of Saturn, Rahu, and Moon can contribute to a sense of sadness or despair within the family, potentially leading to a depressive atmosphere.
  • Frequent and unnecessary travel due to job or business
  • Problems concerning the mother, difficulties or challenges in her life.
  • This combination may create obstacles or challenges in matters of wealth and finances, leading to financial instability or difficulties in accumulating wealth.

In addition to these effects, this combination can also contribute to illusion, confusion, and a foggy mindset, making it challenging to perceive reality accurately and make sound judgments or decisions. It may also result in insomnia or sleep disturbances.

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For A Personalized Vaastu Consultancy you may connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani 

Vaastu Tips for Study Table

Vaastu Tips for Study Table with Vaastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

According to Vaastu, it is recommended for a child’s study table to face an open space rather than a wall. The ideal directions for general studies are east or north. However, for higher studies Vaastu Tips for Study Table following is advisable:

• Engineering: For engineering students study table should be in the west direction from the center of the house. The placement may vary based on the specialization, such as west side of south-west for computer science and south side of south-west for civil engineering and so on.

• Medical: for medical studies study table should be in the south direction of the house being mars the significator of medicine. However, for dermatology or dentistry, the north direction is more suitable for Gynaecology south side of south east corner is preferable

• CA, MBA, and Management Courses: The north direction is considered auspicious for students in these fields, as it is associated with the planet Mercury.

• Law: West direction as it is associated with Saturn.

• Government Services: East direction as it is governed by the sun.

• Banking: North-east or south-east corners linked to Venus and Jupiter.

• Police and Army: South direction as it is connected to Mars.

• Teaching, Spirituality, and Healing: North-east or south-east directions as it is influenced by Jupiter and Venus energies.

• Photography and Film: South-west direction being it’s association with Rahu.

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For a Personalized Vaastu Consultancy you may Contact Astrologer Ashish Somani

Vaastu Tips for Placing Big round Utensils in Home

Vaastu Tips for Placing Big round Utensils in Home with Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

According to the principles of Astro Vaastu tips  and traditional beliefs, it is advisable to avoid placing large utensils like ghadas or matkas near the ceiling or on the roof. It is believed that this will take the energy of mercury to 12th house of person’s kundali, which is a not good position for mercury and is known to bring about certain challenges and limitations.

These challenges may include:

• Difficulty in expressing thoughts

• Miscommunication and misunderstandings

• Mental anxiety and overthinking

• Hidden or secretive thinking

• Difficulty with logical analysis

• Challenges in learning and education

• Increased susceptibility to deception

To counteract these potential effects, it is advised not to place such utensils near the ceiling or roof. If the utensils are placed on the floor, one suggested remedy is to fill them with grains. This is believed to incorporate the combination of Sun and Mercury, which is considered a positive combination

For a Personalized Vastu Consultation you may Connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani


Vaastu Suggestion for Installing Image above the main Door

Vaastu Suggestion for Installing Image above the main Door with Astro Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

In Astro Vaastu, the placement and selection of idols based on one’s ascendant (Lagna) can significantly influence the energy flow and harmony within a home or workspace. Each ascendant is associated with specific deities whose presence is believed to bring favorable outcomes and positive vibrations. Additionally, various structural elements and auspicious symbols can further enhance the beneficial energies. Here’s an elaborate explanation of the recommended idols and Vaastu practices for different ascendants:

Recommended Idols for Each Ascendant

Aries and Scorpio Ascendants

For individuals with Aries (Mesha) and Scorpio (Vrishchika) ascendants, Lord Hanuman is considered highly auspicious. Hanuman, the epitome of strength, courage, and devotion, aligns well with the fiery and determined nature of these signs. Placing an idol of Lord Hanuman can:

  • Enhance physical and mental strength.
  • Provide protection against negative influences and evil forces.
  • Foster courage and resilience in overcoming obstacles.

Taurus and Libra Ascendants

Taurus (Vrishabha) and Libra (Tula) ascendants are advised to have a female deity in their space. Deities like Goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati, or Durga can bring:

These deities harmonize with the Venusian qualities of beauty, grace, and harmony associated with Taurus and Libra.

Gemini and Virgo Ascendants

For Gemini (Mithuna) and Virgo (Kanya) ascendants, Lord Ganesh is the ideal deity. Ganesh, known as the remover of obstacles and the god of beginnings, can:

  • Facilitate smooth and successful ventures.
  • Enhance intellectual capabilities and communication skills.
  • Bring prosperity and good fortune.

His presence supports the Mercurial traits of intellect, adaptability, and curiosity inherent in Gemini and Virgo.

Cancer Ascendant

Cancer (Karka) ascendants are recommended to have an idol of Lord Shreenathji (a form of Krishna) or Lord Shiva. These deities can provide:

  • Emotional stability and inner peace (Shreenathji).
  • Transformation and spiritual growth (Shiva).

The nurturing and protective energies of these deities resonate well with the sensitive and caring nature of Cancer.

Leo Ascendant

For Leo (Simha) ascendants, Lord Surya (Sun god) is highly favorable. Surya represents vitality, leadership, and authority, which align with Leo’s natural inclination towards prominence and power. An idol or image of Surya can:

  • Boost self-confidence and leadership qualities.
  • Promote health and vitality.
  • Ensure success and recognition in endeavors.

Sagittarius and Pisces Ascendants

Sagittarius (Dhanu) and Pisces (Meena) ascendants benefit from the presence of Lord Vishnu or a statue of their guru. These figures symbolize:

  • Preservation, protection, and stability (Vishnu).
  • Wisdom, guidance, and spiritual growth (guru).

Their presence supports the expansive and philosophical nature of Sagittarius and the spiritual and compassionate tendencies of Pisces.

Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants

For Capricorn (Makara) and Aquarius (Kumbha) ascendants, Lord Shiva or a horse nail is suggested. Shiva’s transformative and ascetic qualities resonate with the disciplined and innovative nature of these signs. A horse nail, symbolizing protection and strength, can:

  • Provide stability and grounding.
  • Enhance perseverance and resilience.
  • Protect against negative energies and misfortunes.

Structural Elements and Auspicious Symbols

Umro or Chaukhat for Main Gate

Having a well-defined doorframe (umro or chaukhat) for the main entrance is crucial. It acts as a boundary that:

  • Protects against negative energies.
  • Ensures the smooth flow of positive energy into the premises.

Elevated Floor Level

The floor of the main entrance should be slightly higher than the outside floor level. This elevation:

  • Symbolizes upliftment and positive progression.
  • Prevents the entry of negative energies from the external environment.

Auspicious Signs

Painting auspicious symbols like Swastik, Om, or other sacred motifs on the floor near the main entrance can further enhance positive energies. These symbols:

  • Attract prosperity and good fortune.
  • Provide spiritual protection and blessings.

Considering Planetary Influences

While the ascendant plays a significant role in determining the appropriate deity, the planets positioned in or aspecting the Lagna also influence this decision. For instance:

  • A strong or afflicted Sun in the Lagna may necessitate additional Surya-related remedies.
  • The presence of Mars may call for Hanuman’s influence to balance its fiery energy.

By aligning with these Astro Vaastu principles, individuals can create an environment that supports their spiritual, emotional, and material well-being, fostering a harmonious and prosperous life.


For a Personalized Vastu Consultation you can Connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani

Vaastu guidance for Direction of Main Door

Vaastu guidance for Direction of Main Door With Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

Astro Vaastu combines the principles of astrology and Vaastu Shastra to determine the most auspicious direction for the main door of a home. The placement of the main door is critical as it influences the energy flow and prosperity of the household. While traditional Vaastu suggests that the north-east, north, or east directions are generally favorable, Astro Vaastu emphasizes the importance of aligning the main door direction with the planetary influences in an individual’s Kundali (birth chart). Here’s a detailed look at the recommended directions for the main door based on the positions of different planets:

Jupiter and the North-East Direction

If Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and prosperity, is well-placed and not malefic in your chart, the north-east direction is considered the most favorable for your main door. Jupiter is associated with growth, knowledge, and spirituality. Individuals with a well-placed Jupiter often find success in consultancy, teaching, and religious or satvik (pure) professions. The north-east direction enhances these qualities, bringing in positive energy and opportunities for growth and learning.

Mars and the South Direction

Mars is the planet of energy, courage, and action. If Mars is well-placed in your chart, the south direction is preferred for the main door. Mars governs professions that require physical strength, strategic thinking, and bravery, such as marketing, surgery, police, armed forces, and medicine. A main door in the south direction supports these attributes by channeling Mars’s dynamic and assertive energies into the household.

Mercury and the North Direction

Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, favors the north direction for the main door when well-placed. Individuals influenced by Mercury are often engaged in trade, accounting, business, writing, dentistry, and skin specialties. The north direction is known for bringing in intellectual clarity, creativity, and effective communication, aligning well with Mercury’s characteristics.

Rahu and the South-West Direction

Rahu, known for its unconventional and transformative energy, suggests the south-west direction for the main door if it is prominent in your chart. Rahu influences professions in film, software, photography, and exporting. A main door in the south-west direction can harness Rahu’s innovative and boundary-pushing energies, fostering success in these modern and creative fields.

Sun and the East Direction

The Sun, symbolizing authority, vitality, and leadership, prefers the east direction for the main door when well-placed. Individuals with a strong Sun in their chart are typically seen in government jobs, teaching, or politics. The east direction is associated with the sunrise and new beginnings, making it ideal for those in leadership roles and public service, as it brings in vitality and recognition.

Moon and the North-West Direction

The Moon, representing emotions, intuition, and nurturing, favors the north-west direction for the main door if it is well-placed. Individuals under the influence of the Moon often work in the food industry, banking, import-export, or the hospitality sector. A main door in the north-west direction aligns with the Moon’s calming and nurturing energies, creating a harmonious and supportive environment for these professions.

Venus and the South-East Direction

Venus, the planet of beauty, luxury, and comfort, suggests the south-east direction for the main door when well-placed. Venus influences professions related to medicine, beauty and fashion products, garments, diamonds, and banking. The south-east direction, associated with wealth and luxury, complements Venus’s qualities, enhancing opportunities for prosperity and aesthetic refinement.

Ketu and the North-East Direction

Ketu, known for its spiritual and introspective nature, also recommends the north-east direction for the main door when well-placed. Individuals influenced by Ketu can be spiritual leaders, biologists, or involved in small-scale enterprises. The north-east direction, already linked with spiritual growth, amplifies Ketu’s energies, promoting introspection and spiritual development.

Saturn and the West Direction

Saturn, the planet of discipline, hard work, and service, favors the west direction for the main door if well-placed. Individuals under Saturn’s influence often work in fields related to iron, steel, oil, or in service-oriented professions. The west direction, associated with stability and strength, supports Saturn’s qualities, fostering a disciplined and structured environment conducive to these professions.


While these recommendations provide a general guideline, it is essential to consult a professional astrologer or Vaastu expert for personalized advice based on your unique birth chart and circumstances. Combining the insights from both astrology and Vaastu Shastra ensures that the main door direction aligns with your planetary influences, bringing harmony, prosperity, and positive energy to your home.

For Booking a Personalized Vaastu Consultant with Astrologer Ashish Somani

Saturn Retrograde from 30th June 2024 to 15th November 2024

Saturn Retrograde from 30th June 2024 to 15th November 2024 with Astrologer in Ahmedabad

Saturn’s retrograde phase from June 30th, 2024, to November 15th, 2024, is a period that encourages introspection and resolution of past issues. During this time, Saturn appears to move backward in the sky, prompting us to revisit and address unfinished business, especially karma accumulated over the past 2.5 years. The retrograde’s effects can vary significantly based on one’s ascendant (Lagna), offering unique opportunities and challenges for each zodiac sign.

Aries Ascendant

For Aries ascendants, Saturn’s retrograde brings a focus on property and travel. You may find opportunities to purchase property or a vehicle, undertake long-distance travel, and engage in charitable acts. Your spouse’s professional life could see improvements, and disputes with your spouse may find resolution. This period is also favorable for starting a new business, leveraging past experiences to create a stable foundation.

Taurus Ascendant

Taurus individuals can expect the realization of pending gains. Siblings may acquire property or vehicles, and short-distance travel could be on the horizon. It’s an excellent time to replace damaged communication devices and possibly secure a new job. This phase encourages addressing practical matters and solidifying your financial and familial foundation.

Gemini Ascendant

Gemini ascendants may experience significant family and personal changes. The construction of family property or addressing family disputes may become priorities. If seeking to conceive, this period is favorable. Reconnecting with past relationships and experiencing job transfers or relocations due to career advancements are also possible. Embrace these changes as they lay the groundwork for future stability.

Cancer Ascendant

For Cancer ascendants, Saturn retrograde offers a chance to complete long-pending personal tasks. If unmarried, there’s an increased chance of finding a partner. Religious travels, acquiring a vehicle, and positive developments in your spouse’s profession are also likely. This period encourages nurturing personal growth and strengthening familial bonds.

Leo Ascendant

Leo individuals may encounter new job opportunities and long-distance travel. Transformative events could shape your life, and siblings or friends might face challenges. Property or vehicle acquisitions by siblings are possible. This period is about embracing change and navigating through transformative experiences with resilience.

Virgo Ascendant

Virgo ascendants may need to make decisions regarding personal or children’s education. Improvements in your spouse’s profession, receiving pending financial gains, and property or vehicle acquisitions within the family are likely. Potential disputes within the family may arise, necessitating a balanced approach to resolve them. Focus on education and familial harmony during this period.

Libra Ascendant

For Libra ascendants, this retrograde phase brings the possibility of acquiring a vehicle or property. Job prospects may enhance, and conditions are favorable for starting a new business. This period encourages focusing on professional growth and taking tangible steps towards achieving long-term goals.

Scorpio Ascendant

Scorpio individuals might experience short-distance travel and property or vehicle acquisitions by siblings. Replacing old communication devices and making decisions regarding children’s education are likely. Traveling to religious places or Jyotirlingas can bring spiritual growth and inner peace.

Sagittarius Ascendant

Sagittarius ascendants may resolve pending property matters within the family. Acquiring property or a vehicle and receiving pending income are probable. This period is about addressing familial responsibilities and ensuring financial stability.

Capricorn Ascendant

For Capricorn ascendants, completing pending responsibilities or tasks is crucial. Positive developments in your profession, property acquisitions by your spouse, and improvements in job prospects or profession are likely. This period also offers opportunities for starting a new business, emphasizing professional and personal growth.

Aquarius Ascendant

Aquarius individuals should focus on treating old diseases and improving job prospects. Travel to religious places or Jyotirlingas can provide spiritual rejuvenation. This period encourages addressing health issues and seeking spiritual fulfillment.

Pisces Ascendant

Pisces ascendants can expect pending gains, decisions regarding children’s education, and reconnection with past relationships. Significant events related to your spouse’s family or household are also likely. This period emphasizes resolving past issues and focusing on family and emotional well-being.


Saturn’s retrograde from June 30th, 2024, to November 15th, 2024, is a powerful time for introspection and resolution of past issues. Each ascendant faces unique opportunities and challenges during this period. By embracing the themes and energies of Saturn retrograde, individuals can make meaningful progress in personal, familial, and professional areas. Consulting a professional astrologer can provide personalized insights and guidance tailored to one’s birth chart, ensuring that the retrograde’s influences are navigated effectively.

Northeast Corner Vaastu Defect and Remedies.

Northeast Corner Vaastu Defect and Remedies with Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

The Importance of Ishan Kon (Northeast Corner) in Vaastu

In Vaastu Shastra, the Ishan Kon or the northeast corner of a house is of paramount importance. It is where the east and north walls intersect, marking a crucial point in the architectural and energetic layout of a dwelling. This corner is revered because it is considered the head of the Vaastu Purush (the deity governing the property), playing a vital role in decision-making, health, wealth, and overall family happiness.

Identifying the Ishan Kon

To accurately locate the Ishan Kon in your home:

  1. Install a Compass App: Use a compass app on your phone.
  2. Place the Phone at the Center of the House: This ensures you identify the precise meeting point of the east and north directions.
  3. Locate the Corner: The intersection of these two directions marks the Ishan Kon.

Characteristics of the Ishan Kon

  • Deity: The governing deity of Ishan Kon is ISH (Lord Shiva).
  • Planetary Association: Jupiter and Ketu.
  • Element: Water.

Ideal Uses for the Ishan Kon

  • Temple or Pooja Room: Perfect for spiritual practices and rituals.
  • Study Room: Ideal for students due to the focus and clarity it provides.
  • Guest Room or Living Room: Suitable for social interactions and gatherings.
  • Lightweight Spaces: This corner should be light and uncluttered.

Common Defects in the Ishan Kon

  1. Structural Cuts: Any missing portions in this corner.
  2. Washroom Placement: Can lead to significant financial losses.
  3. Kitchen Location: Causes difficulties in earning and financial stability.
  4. Bedroom: Especially problematic if used by couples or adult female children.
  5. Storeroom: Adds unnecessary weight.
  6. Uncleanliness: Reduces the positive energy flow.
  7. Higher Ground Level: The Ishan should be lower than the rest of the house.
  8. Inappropriate Photos: Ancestors’ photos should not be placed here.
  9. Heavy Plantations: Can cause health issues like skin or vein diseases.

Impacts of Disturbance in Ishan Kon

  • Financial Issues: Difficulty in saving money and earning stability.
  • Educational Problems: Hurdles in children’s studies.
  • Family Disputes: Constant arguments and tension.
  • Career Issues: Job loss or business failures.
  • Health Problems: Respiratory issues and other health concerns.
  • Marital Issues: Problems in childbirth and post-marriage life if females sleep in this area.
  • Overall Potential: Hindered ability to utilize full potential.

Remedies for Ishan Kon Defects

While structural changes are the most effective, temporary measures can also help mitigate the negative effects:

  1. Keep Ishan Light: Avoid heavy objects or constructions.
  2. Water Fountain: Install a lightweight water fountain to enhance the water element.
  3. Silver Plate/Wire: Use these to cut off the washroom’s negative influence.
  4. Regular Havan and Pooja: Invite a Brahmin (priest) for regular rituals.
  5. Pyramid for Kitchen: Shift the kitchen’s energy with a pyramid.
  6. Cool Kitchen: Keep the kitchen as cool as possible.
  7. Copper Water Pots: Place them near the gas stove and change the water after cooking.
  8. Sleeping Arrangements: Avoid using this area for couples or adult female children. Male children can use it until marriage.
  9. Pooja or Study Room: Best suited for these purposes.
  10. Cleanliness: Keep the area clean and uncluttered.
  11. Ground Level: Ensure the Ishan Kon is lower than the rest of the house.
  12. Color Scheme: Use silky white, yellow, or shades of yellow.
  13. Prayers and Mantras: Regularly pray to Lord Vishnu and chant his mantra.


The Ishan Kon is crucial for the overall well-being of a household. By maintaining its sanctity and addressing any defects, one can ensure a harmonious and prosperous living environment. For specific issues and more detailed guidance, consulting a professional Vaastu expert is advisable. This holistic approach helps in harnessing the positive energies of the northeast corner, fostering health, wealth, and happiness.

For more detail and Individual Vastu Analysis of your Residential and Commercial Place Please connect with the Best Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad,  Gujarat.

