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7 Powerful Peacock Feather Remedies to Transform Your Life

Astrology and tradition have long believed that Peacock Feather possess magical and transformational properties. It goes beyond simple aesthetics with Peacock Feather magic. These beautiful feathers are believed to have a powerful energy that can greatly affect your life.
Consult a Famous Astrologer in Ahmedabad to find out how Peacock Feather remedies can help you overcome negativity and create a more fulfilling life.

Peacock Feathers’ Mystical Significance


The peacock’s feathers are frequently associated with various gods and religious customs. In Hinduism, the peacock is associated with Lord Murugan and symbolizes Goddess Saraswati, representing wisdom and learning. In Greek mythology, the peacock symbolizes Hera, the queen of the gods.

As their “eyes,” the feathers represent attentiveness, vision, and protection. Peacock Feathers offer opportunities for personal development and can help you access these ancient energies in your daily life.


Powerful Peacock Feather Remedies


1. Attracting Good Vibes


Put a Peacock Feather in a visible spot to attract positive energy into your house or business. The feather’s brilliant colours and patterns are believed to uplift and attract positive energy. It’s beneficial in areas where you spend a lot of time, such as your living room, office, or meditation room.


2. Protecting Against Negative Energies


Peacock feathers are also believed to have the power to ward off bad energy and protect against evil spirits. You can use this remedy by keeping a small feather or placing a Peacock Feather close to your front door.

This practice shields you from harmful influences and guarantees that only positive energy enters your space by creating a protective barrier.


3. Improving Your Meditation Techniques


Implementing Peacock Feather into your routine can strengthen your meditation practice and spiritual connection. While you meditate, hold a feather in your hand or place one nearby.

There is a belief that the energy of feathers can increase mental clarity, facilitate the opening of the third eye, and encourage a heightened level of consciousness. Higher levels of inner peace and deeper insights may result from this.


4. Increasing Inspiration and Creativity


Keep a Peacock Feather on your desk or in your creative workspace to help spark inspiration and increase your creativity. The lively power of the feather can spark imagination and assist you in achieving your utmost capabilities. Individuals in the creative sectors, like authors and painters, might benefit.


5. Strengthening Bonds


Relationship improvement can also be achieved through the harmonic energy of peacock feathers. Every room where you spend time with loved ones, including your bedroom, should have a feather. The robustness of the feathers contributes to its ability to relax and provide comfort.

It can significantly improve relationships with loved ones and resolve conflicts.


6. Chakra Balance


Peacock Feathers are linked to the throat and third eye chakras, which control spiritual vision, intuition, and communication. A Peacock Feather can be used in a short ritual to help balance these chakras.

Visualize the energy centers becoming clear and aligned as you gently brush the feather over your forehead and throat. This practice can help you become more intuitive and express yourself better.


7. Manifesting Your Goals


Use a Peacock Feather in a manifestation ritual to help you attract what you want and manifest your desires. Place the feather on top of a piece of paper with your intentions written on it.

Think about your intentions and picture them coming to pass as you meditate. The energy of the Peacock Feather can help you align with the vibrations of your desired outcome and magnify your intentions.




Peacock Feather remedies are a simple yet powerful way to convert your life and advance your spiritual journey. These incredible tools can help you create deeper bonds, attract positive energy, protect from negative energy, improve your meditation techniques, balance your energy channels, inspire creativity, and accomplish your goals.

Consult a Famous Astrologer in Ahmedabad to experience how the transformative power of peacock feathers can bring elegance, beauty, and significant changes to your life.




Q.1 What is the magic of peacock feathers?

Ans. The peacock feather’s vibrant and distinct energy is thought to have magical qualities that draw positive energy, strengthen one’s power, bring good fortune, and provide protection.


Q.2 What is the use of peacock feathers in astrology?

Ans. Peacock feathers are said to increase self-esteem, draw luck, and encourage spiritual development in astrology. They are thought to be in harmony with favorable planetary influences and represent abundance.


Q.3 What is the manifestation of the peacock feather?

Ans. You can manifest your desires by focusing on them while holding the peacock feather, using the feather’s symbolic energy to magnify your intentions and make your goals come true.


Q.4 What is the secret of the peacock feather?

Ans. The key to the peacock feather’s power is its capacity to absorb and magnify spiritual energy. Its vibrant and dynamic appearance attracts positivity and increases one’s strength.

Vastu Shastra: Best Plants for Your Home

Based on the ancient Indian science of Vastu Shastra, Residential Vastu Shastra places a strong emphasis on the placement and selection of plants as essential to achieving balance between internal and external forces. 

Using specific plants in your home in accordance with these ideas will improve positivity, prosperity, and general well-being. Let’s look at the plants that Vastu Shastra suggests growing to create an ideal and prosperous atmosphere. 

Understanding Vastu Shastra Principles

According to the Vastu Shastra, the five elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space must be in balance for harmony and good energy to flow through space. Because they filter the air and encourage calm, plants are thought to draw positive energy and improve people’s general well-being.

Guidelines For Choosing Plants According to Vastu Shastra

According to Vastu Shastra, when choosing plants for your house, you should take into account a number of factors to make sure they improve the energy and atmosphere of your living area:

1. Symbolism and Significance:

According to Vastu Shastra, plants have particular significance based on their attributes and traditional wisdom. For example:

  • Tulsi (Holy Basil): Tulsi, revered for its spiritual importance and environmental cleansing properties, is frequently positioned in the northeast or east to draw prana, or positive energy, and foster prosperity and good health.
  • Areca Palm Plant: Areca palms are common houseplants for living rooms and bedrooms. The majority of homes have front doors, so planting an areca palm near one—especially one that faces west—will make the space feel airy and bright. The Areca Palm makes the ideal addition to the front door of any house. This plant brings luck and fortune. 
  • Peace Lily: Peace Lily is appropriate for spaces where calm and serenity are desired, like bedrooms or meditation areas, because of its reputation for air-purifying qualities and capacity to create a peaceful atmosphere.

2.Placement and Direction:

According to Vastu Shastra, the direction, and location where plants are placed within the home can significantly influence their effects:

  • Favorable Directions: Light plantations in the north and heavy plantations in the southwest are recommended. Additionally, placing flowers in the southeast and a water plant in the northwest is beneficial.

3. Compatibility with Interior Design

Consider the overall aesthetic and functional aspects of your home when selecting plants. Choose plants that complement your interior decor while aligning with Vastu principles to create a harmonious living environment.

4. Maintenance and Care:

Ensure that you can provide adequate care and maintenance for the plants you choose. Regular watering, pruning, and proper sunlight exposure are crucial for their health and longevity, thereby maximizing their positive impact on your home’s energy.


Benefits of Vastu Shastra-Compatible Plants

  • Enhanced Positive Energy: These plants are believed to harmonize the flow of energy within the home, creating a positive and vibrant atmosphere.
  • Improved Health: Plants like Tulsi and Peace Lily contribute to cleaner indoor air, promoting better respiratory health and overall well-being.
  • Financial Prosperity: According to Vastu principles, the money plant is associated with attracting wealth and economic stability when placed correctly.
  • Psychological Benefits: The presence of greenery and well-maintained plants can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase productivity.

Maintaining Vastu Shastra Plants

To ensure that these plants provide you with maximum benefits, you must:

  • Regular Care: Determine that each plant receives the right amount of sunlight, water, and cutting.
  • Cleanliness: Keep plant containers and surrounding areas clean to avoid letting energy slow down.


Adding plants that are in accordance with Residential Vastu Shastra not only improves the aesthetic appeal of your house but also helps create a balanced and harmonious living space. 

By following these guidelines and paying attention to the placement of your plants, you can utilize the positive energy of nature to make the right decisions, attract wealth, and create a generally happy environment in your home.




Q.1 Which plant is lucky for home?

The Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum) is lucky for homes according to Vastu Shastra because it represents prosperity, wealth, and good fortune.

Q.2 Which plant gives positive energy at home?

 The Peace Lily, or Spathiphyllum, is well-known for its capacity to sanitize the air, create a calm environment, and increase positive energy in households.

Which plant attracts money? 

Placing the Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum) at the southeast corner of a house or place of business is said to draw money and financial prosperity.

Which plant is good for success in life?

Auspicious bamboo plants are thought to bring prosperity, growth, and success in a variety of spheres of life, particularly Lucky Bamboo, or Dracaena sanderiana.

Astrology and Vastu Remedies to Resolve Bedroom Conflicts and Restore Harmony

Astrology and Vastu Remedies to Resolve Bedroom Conflicts and Restore Harmony by Jyotish in Ahmedabad

Astrology and Vastu practices suggest that the 12th house governs the bedroom, where planetary influences can contribute to ongoing conflicts. Each planet influences the environment differently, impacting the atmosphere and interactions within the bedroom. Understanding these influences can help in mitigating conflicts and creating a harmonious environment.

  • Saturn: When Saturn is placed in the 12th house, its presence can manifest through old footwear, rusty iron items, a messy bedroom, images depicting sadness, liquor, old and unusable clothes, and dark-colored curtains or walls. These elements can lead to arguments over past issues and create boredom in marital life. The heavy and melancholic energy associated with Saturn can stagnate the atmosphere, making it conducive to disputes.
  • Rahu: Rahu’s influence in the 12th house can be seen through electronic gadgets, mirrors, toxic substances, abstract paintings, colorful curtains and bedsheets, new shoes, foreign-related items, and incense or cigarette smoke. This influence can lead to fights over desires or lust, causing disturbances and potential violent outbursts. The presence of these items can amplify a sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction, often leading to intense and uncontrollable arguments.
  • Mars: When Mars is positioned in the 12th house, it can bring in items like medicines, surgical or gym equipment, weapons, steam vapors, war imagery, sharp objects, red-colored bedsheets or curtains, brick walls, miniature soldiers, and multiple scissors. This configuration may lead to heated arguments between couples, causing heightened tempers and serious conflicts. The aggressive energy of Mars can make the environment highly volatile, where minor disagreements escalate quickly.
  • Sun: The Sun’s influences in the 12th house may include sunlight entering through windows or balconies, government-related imagery or documents, images of fathers, and personal achievements or awards. This can trigger ego-related disputes or conflicts over family matters, potentially leading to periods of silent treatment or even separation. The strong presence of solar energy can create an environment where issues of pride and dominance become prominent, leading to power struggles.
  • Ketu: When Ketu’s influence is reflected in the 12th house, it may be seen in half-painted surfaces, flags or triangular shapes, torn bedsheets or curtains, uneven bed shapes, old and unused memorabilia, or structural irregularities like wall breaks. These factors can create a sense of disconnection between partners, leading to ongoing but silent disagreements and mental separation. The mystical and detached energy of Ketu can foster an environment where emotional distance becomes a barrier to effective communication.
  • Moon: The Moon, typically considered a benefic planet, does not usually cause unhappiness. However, excessive moon energy, such as keeping food items or water-related elements in the bedroom, can disturb Venus (Shukra) energy, potentially causing emotional conflicts between couples. While the Moon’s energy is nurturing, an imbalance can create an overly emotional and sensitive atmosphere, leading to frequent misunderstandings.

To prevent bedroom conflicts, it’s advisable to address these influences promptly. Removing or replacing items associated with each planetary influence can help create a more harmonious environment. For instance, decluttering and organizing the bedroom can mitigate Saturn’s heavy energy, while reducing electronic gadgets and mirrors can lessen Rahu’s restless influence. Introducing calming elements and colors can help balance Mars’s aggression and Sun’s dominance. Ensuring the bedroom is aesthetically pleasing and comfortable can counter Ketu’s sense of disconnection.

In conclusion, understanding the planetary influences on the 12th house and making conscious efforts to mitigate their negative impacts can lead to a more harmonious and conflict-free bedroom environment. By aligning the bedroom with positive Vastu principles, couples can foster a space that supports their emotional and relational well-being.

For more detailed guidance on enhancing bedroom Vastu, consulting with a knowledgeable astrologer can provide personalized remedies. Professional advice can help identify specific planetary influences and suggest appropriate changes to improve the bedroom environment. Additionally, you may also read Venus Shukra and Bedroom Vaastu Tips. For astrological guidance, you may consult Best Astrologer in Ahmedabad.

Vastu Tips for Kitchen

Vastu Tips for Kitchen with Best Vastu consultant in Ahmedabad

Creating a Vastu-Compliant Kitchen for Positive Energy and Harmony

The kitchen, often considered the heart of the home, plays a crucial role in promoting the health, happiness, and prosperity of the household. By following Vastu principles, you can ensure that your kitchen radiates positive energy and harmony. Here are some essential Vastu tips to create a balanced and beneficial kitchen environment:

Ideal Location

The kitchen should ideally be placed in the southeast corner of the house. This direction is associated with the fire element, which is essential for cooking and symbolizes energy and vitality. If the southeast corner is not available, the northwest corner is the second-best option.

Shape and Layout

Opt for a square or rectangular shape for the kitchen to maintain energy harmony. Irregular shapes can disrupt the positive energy flow, leading to an imbalance in the kitchen’s environment.

Platform Color

The kitchen platform should ideally be white. Dark colors tend to absorb and retain heat, which may not be favorable according to Vastu. If your platform is of a dark color, you can mitigate this by placing white cloth or objects on it while cooking to balance the energy.

Avoid Green Color and Plants

Green color and plants should be avoided in the kitchen. According to Vastu, green signifies Mercury, while the significator of food is the Moon. Mercury and Moon are considered to not harmonize well together, and their clash can disrupt the kitchen’s positive energy.

Separation of Water and Heat Elements

Avoid placing water and heat elements close to each other in the kitchen. This means keeping sinks and stoves apart to maintain a balanced and harmonious environment. The conflicting energies of water and fire can lead to disturbances if placed too close together.

Placement of Water Vessel

The water vessel should ideally be placed in the northeast direction of the kitchen. If this is not possible due to constraints, placing some water in the northeast corner of the kitchen can also be beneficial. This placement helps in maintaining the balance of energies in the kitchen.

Placement of Fridge and Microwave

The ideal placement for the fridge and microwave is in the southeast corner of the kitchen. This alignment is believed to bring positive energy and harmony to the kitchen space, as it aligns with the fire element of the southeast direction.

Cooking Direction

For the best results, cook facing east or north. Avoid cooking facing west or south, as these directions can lead to health issues and negativity. Cooking while facing the east direction is particularly auspicious, as it invites prosperity and good health.

Avoid Wheat Storage

According to Vastu principles, it is recommended not to store wheat in the kitchen. The kitchen is considered the natural place of Shukra (Venus), and wheat is associated with the Sun. Storing wheat in the kitchen may disrupt the balance of energies, potentially affecting Venus negatively.


Ensure proper ventilation with windows or exhaust fans to maintain a healthy atmosphere. Good ventilation helps in the free flow of positive energy and eliminates negative vibes from the kitchen. It also ensures that the kitchen remains fresh and odor-free.

Avoid Clutter

Keep the kitchen clean and clutter-free to prevent obstruction of positive energy flow. A cluttered kitchen can lead to confusion and stress, while a tidy kitchen promotes clarity and peace.


Ensure sufficient natural or artificial lighting to create a vibrant and positive atmosphere in the kitchen. Good lighting is essential for maintaining high energy levels and creating a warm and inviting space.

Positioning of Staircases

If there is a staircase leading to the basement or another level, ensure it is placed in the southern or western part of the house. Avoid spiral staircases, as they may disrupt the energy flow. A simple, straight staircase is considered more Vastu-friendly and enhances the connection to different parts of the house.

By adhering to these Vastu tips, you can create a kitchen that not only serves its practical purposes but also contributes to the overall well-being and prosperity of the household. Following Vastu principles helps in creating a harmonious and positive environment, making the kitchen a place of nourishment and happiness.

Recognizing Ashish Somani’s Expertise

Ashish Somani is a renowned Vastu consultant in Ahmedabad, known for his expertise in creating balanced living spaces. His deep understanding of traditional Vastu principles and their modern applications has made him a trusted advisor for many households. By consulting experts like Ashish Somani, you can ensure that your home, including the kitchen, aligns with Vastu principles, promoting a healthy and prosperous life.

For more information you can connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani, Best Astrologer and Vastu consultant in India.

Vastu For Basement A Comprehensive Guide

Vastu For Basement A Comprehensive Guide with Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

Many individuals often overlook the significance of Vastu for basements, but they play a crucial role in promoting positive vibes, tranquility, and success within your home. Whether your basement serves as a recreational space, storage area, or workspace, this guide will assist you in creating a Vastu-positive environment. Additionally, we will explore the reasons behind the recognition of Ashish Somani as a renowned Vastu consultant in Ahmedabad.

Easy Vastu Tips for Enhancing Your Basement

Pick the Right Spot:

North-East Corner: Utilize this corner for quiet activities such as reading or meditation, fostering a sense of clarity and calmness. According to Vastu, the north-east is associated with the water element, which promotes peace and well-being.

South-West Corner: Ideal for storage purposes, as it is believed to bring stability and strength to your life. The south-west is associated with the earth element, representing firmness and support.

The Importance of Entrance:

Placement: Ideally, the entrance to your basement should face north or east, inviting positive energy. The north is linked to prosperity and abundance, while the east is associated with health and vitality.

Avoid South-Facing Entrances: A south-facing basement door is discouraged in Vastu, as it is associated with negative vibes. The south direction can bring in adverse energies that may affect the harmony of the space.

Let There Be Light and Air:

Sunlight: Maximize natural light to enhance positivity. Sunlight brings in the fire element, which purifies and energizes the environment.

Ventilation: Ensure good air circulation for maintaining positive energy. Proper ventilation is crucial to avoid stagnation and keep the space fresh and vibrant.

Choosing Colors:

Opt for light colors like white or cream, creating an open and clean ambiance. These colors reflect light, making the basement appear more spacious and welcoming.

Water and Basements Don’t Mix:

Storing water in the basement is cautioned against in Vastu, as it may lead to financial challenges. Heavy plumbing in the basement is also best avoided, as water elements in the basement can cause imbalance and disruptions.

Electronics in the Right Place:

Place electronics in the southeast corner, considered an energy zone for gadgets. The southeast is ruled by the fire element, which is compatible with electronic devices and enhances their performance.

Plants for Positive Vibes:

Introduce plants to balance energy in the basement, compensating for the lack of natural elements. Plants can purify the air and bring in the earth element, adding to the overall harmony of the space.

Keep the Basement Clean:

Maintain cleanliness and organization to foster positive energy. A clutter-free environment allows for smooth energy flow and enhances the feeling of tranquility.

Use Mirrors Wisely:

Strategically place mirrors to attract and circulate energy. Avoid positioning them directly opposite the entrance, as this can reflect the energy out of the space rather than distributing it.

Avoid Heavy Objects in the North-East Corner:

Keep the northeast corner light and airy, avoiding bulky furniture or equipment. This corner should remain open and unobstructed to maintain its positive influence.

Use Soft Lighting:

Opt for softer, warmer lights to create a calming and welcoming atmosphere. Soft lighting can enhance the coziness of the basement and promote relaxation.

Positioning of Staircases:

Ideally, place the staircase leading to the basement in the southern or western part of the house. Avoid spiral staircases, as they may disrupt the energy flow. A simple, straight staircase is considered more Vastu-friendly and enhances the connection to the basement.

Recognizing Ashish Somani’s Expertise in Vastu

Ashish Somani is a renowned Vastu consultant in Ahmedabad, known for his expertise and effective solutions. His approach to Vastu is grounded in traditional principles yet adapted to modern living, ensuring practical and beneficial outcomes for his clients.

Holistic Assessments: Somani’s assessments are comprehensive, considering the overall layout, function, and energy dynamics of each space. His ability to identify imbalances and suggest practical remedies has earned him a strong reputation.

Client-Centric Solutions: His client-centric approach involves understanding the unique needs and aspirations of each client, providing tailored recommendations that align with their goals and lifestyle.

Proven Results: Clients frequently report significant improvements in various aspects of their lives, including financial stability, health, and overall well-being, after implementing his Vastu suggestions.

Educational Outreach: Ashish Somani is also committed to educating the public about Vastu principles through workshops, seminars, and online content, empowering individuals to create harmonious living environments on their own.

Incorporating Vastu principles in your basement can transform it into a space that radiates positive energy and supports your overall well-being. By following these guidelines and seeking expert advice from consultants like Ashish Somani, you can ensure that your basement not only serves its practical purposes but also contributes to a balanced and prosperous home.

    By incorporating these Vastu tips through Astro Vastu Consultant, you can transform your basement into a positive and harmonious space.

    8 Vastu Tips for Marriage And Healthy Relationship

    8 Vastu Tips for Marriage And Healthy Relationship with Astro Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad
    Marriages are made in heaven! However, you need Vastu Tips for Marriage to make sure you lead a healthy and a happy life with your partner. If you are the person who believes in the principles of Vastu shastra, then you need to consider the tips of vastu Tips for marriage as well. As it will help in improving the interpersonal relationship with your spouse.

    In this article, we will discuss some tips related to Vastu for Good Married Life. These tips are suggested by the Best Astrologer Vastu Consultant, Mr Ashish Somani. That will help you brighten your love life and add colors to it.

    Here Are The Vastu Tips for a Happy Married Life

    Blue and Purple Colors are Crucial

    To have clarity of thoughts between the partner, is very important. This can be assured by having blue and purple color hues in the northeast direction. These tips of Vastu for Happy Married life are crucial. Additionally, there should be a maximum opening.

    Fire Element in Kitchen Has Pivotal Role

    Due to the presence of the fire element (kitchen) in the southeast, the female partner is physically and mentally stable. In this direction, there should be an orange color. In a nutshell, it is the female power center of Vastu, which is critical for a happy and romantic life.

    Master Bedroom in South-West is Must

    The master bedroom must be located in the southwest, balancing the male power center to create the best chemistry between the two. Females value stability, as well as decision-making and implementation, which leads to leadership and dominance. It is also advised to avoid having a master bedroom in the northeast, north-west, or southeast.

    Position of Bed

    The correct position of the bed in the master bedroom must be either in the south region or in the southwest, however, it shouldn’t be between the two which can lead to repetitive failure and hence cause a disgusting situation. Moreover, it is recommended to avoid a metal bed that often disturbs the bedroom and causes tension between the partners.

    Placement of the Lampshades

    Another important tip suggested by Ashish Somani the best Astrologer in Ahmedabad is about the placement of lampshades with soft or pastel-colored lighting. Spreading of pink or light-colored sheets with flowery designs is good for people looking forward to marriage.

    Avoid Mirror Facing the Bed 

    Avoid having a mirror directly facing the bed. The larger the mirror, the greater the possibility of marital strain/ problems. Also causing health issues, fatigue, and drowsiness. As a result, mirrors in bedrooms should be avoided or covered.

    Indoor Plants for Health Relationship

    One should make sure that the northeast corner of the room is not cluttered in any way. Indoor plants, white flowers in the North corner, and purple or red roses in the South-West corner help in improving the relationship.

    Proper Balance of The Five Elements

    The proper balance of the five elements, which are fire, water, earth, air, and space, must be in proper balance. Moreover, the balance of the Northeast direction is associated with water elements. Having the auspicious pooja room in the northeast corner is also good. The southeast of the house is associated with the fire. As a result, the kitchen in this direction is conducive to lively relationships.

    Things to Avoid According to the Vastu Tips for Marriage

    • Sleeping in the northeast or southeast bedroom should be avoided. 
    • Thorny and bonsai plants should never be kept. 
    • Avoid using dark colors on your walls. 
    • Keep no mirrors in front of the bed.
    • Metal beds should not be kept.
    • Avoid beds with storage, even if they are made of wood.

    7 Vastu Tips For Business to Maximize Profits

    7 Vastu Tips For Business to Maximize Profits with Best Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

    The Vastu Tips for Business not only brings financial advantage to your commercial space but also improves the energy flow in the office. Adhering to a few easy and simple yet powerful guidelines of Vastu, helps you in creating an environment that is conducive to the success of the business. Attract more customers and opportunities with these tips by Ashish Somani.

    Significance of Vastu Tips for Business Growth

    The commercial space is harnessing the old wisdom of Vastu Shastra to create a space that inspires productivity and also fosters a strong bond with the consumers and brings a sense of prosperity inside the corporate sector. Being the Best Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad, Mr Ashish Somani brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to create harmonious living and working spaces, guiding individuals towards a balanced and positive energy flow in their environments.

    Here are some of the Significance of Vastu tips for business growth

    • Enhancing Energy Flow: The Vastu Shastra is very important for optimizing the energy flow in the commercial area, creating an environment that is peaceful and harmonious helps in bringing prosperity.
    • Positive Impression: The vastu can help in providing a positive first impression on the client or customers, influencing their overall perception and ultimately leading to creating bond and loyalty that will last for a long
    • Increasing Productivity: By sticking to the Vastu principles, businesses can make an environment that will encourage the employee’s well-being and productivity, resulting in more efficient and effective operation.
    • Attracting Abundance: Commercial facilities that are Vastu-compliant are thought to attract financial abundance and prosperity, creating a sense of stability and growth within the business.

    Understanding the Vastu Tips for Good Business

    Tip 1: The Ideal Location for Your Business

    According to the Vastu Direction for Business north, northeast, or southwest are among the best directions, suggested by the Best Astrologer in Ahmedabad, Mr Ashish Somani. If the business is located in any of these directions then it encourages growth, prosperity, and positive energy. They are also suitable for attracting more clients, customers, and prospects. If you trade goods or commodities, the northwest is also a good place to set up shop.

    Tip 2: Placement of Entrance Door

    Another Vastu Tips to Attract Money in Business is by placing your entrance door in the proper location. North, east, northeast, or northwest are the best directions for your front door. These points are associated with wealth, clarity, and communication. They’re also great for gaining new customers, clients, and business opportunities. Avoid facing your front door south, southeast, or southwest, as these directions are associated with difficulties, confrontations, and losses.

    Tip 3: Vastu Remedies for Elemental Balance

    If your office has Vastu doshas (imbalances), don’t worry; Vastu provides excellent treatments to counteract negative energy. Energized crystals, yantras, or even specific color schemes can assist in balancing negative influences and creating a healthy business environment.

    Tip 4: Location of the Accounting Section

    The North direction is associated with financial growth and opportunity. Make this zone active by strategically placing bank records, safes, and cash registers. Energizing the North attracts money and wealth while improving your ability to make financial decisions. As a result, North is ideal for your organization’s accounting department.

    Tip 5: Facing Direction During the Work

    To arrange the workstation efficiently is another important Vastu Tips for Good Business. Working place is an area where you come up with new ideas, solutions, ideas, and breakthroughs. The North or East are among the best directions for workspace.

    The fourth way to use Vastu for business success is to organize your workstations efficiently. Workstations are where you come up with new ideas, solutions, and breakthroughs. These directives are related to intelligence, attentiveness, and efficiency. They are also great for encouraging creativity and innovation.

    Tip 6: Positively Design Reception Area Positively 

    The third Vastu Tips for Business Growth is to positively design your reception area. It is where you will greet your visitors and customers. It’s also where you show off your brand’s image and identity. The best orientation for your reception area is east or northeast. Brightness, warmth, and friendliness are associated with these directions. They are also appropriate for building rapport with your visitors and customers.

    Tip 7: Positive Object to Decorate Commercial Space

    The objects you use to decorate your office can affect its energy and atmosphere. They can also reveal your personality and ideals. As a result, you should decorate your office with items that represent wealth, happiness, and harmony.

    Plants, flowers, fountains, and aquariums are all beautiful ways to decorate your office. Natural elements and a sense of freshness can also be added to your workspace. Items depicting nature, such as flowers, fruits, or birds, should also be included. These items can help you create a warm and welcoming environment that promotes achievement and pleasure.

    To book an Appointment with Astro Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad https://astrologerashishsomani.com/appointment/

    Effective Vastu Tips For New Home 2024

    Effective Vastu Tips For New Home 2024 with Best Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

    Vastu Shastra is liked and appreciated Worldwide. People need harmony and peace, which they can achieve by following the Vastu. It is important to follow Vastu Tips for New Home as well as for old houses. Using the Vastu Shastra in-house design and building is supposed to bring guarantees of health, prosperity, and life satisfaction. 

    Hence, the Vastu for home plays an important role in making the quality of life better. As the healthy energies can be directed whereas unwanted ones can be avoided by learning and understanding the Basic Vastu Tips for New House.

    It is a must for every house owner to follow the Vastu tips before starting with the construction work. One must seek advice from the experienced and Best Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad, who will decide the direction of the home. That will affect the situation of the house owner and their family and also improve the health and performance of the people in the house.

    In today’s article, we will look at the New Vastu Tips given by Ashish Somani the Best Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad for different areas of the house. Moreover, we will understand the direction of the house and other guidelines. 

    Guidelines of Vastu for Home

    The guidelines of Vastu for a home depend on the formula of how certain things need to be maintained in a house. Vastu’s guidelines refer to the position of the main door, toilet, kitchen, living room, Pooja room as well as staircase and the other parts of the rooms. Apart from the color of the room, the position of the furniture and the height of the wall according to the Vastu is also important.   

    Direction of the Home As per Vastu

    There are a lot of myths about, which direction a house must face as per the Vastu Shastra. Some people have the misconception, that a north-facing or east-facing house gives good results. However, this is wrong, because the direction of the house depends on various factors. The factors are the occupation of the house owner, the astrological chart, and the Ayurvedic nature.

    Vastu For Home

    The Vastu purusha mandala has forty-five energy fields, or Devta. It is known as brahma vithi and features Brahma seated in the center. The deva vithi encircles the brahma vithi. Manushya vithi encircles Deva vithi. Paishacha vithi encircling Manushya vithi. 

    With its 32 padas, Paishacha Vithi is the outermost periphery. 32 gods are seated on each pada. The main door is located on the outside of the structure. The main gate is situated at least one pada apart from the 32 divisions. 

    From the 32 padas, 10 are considered fortunate. Mukhya, Bhallat, and Soma / Som are auspicious for houses facing north. When a home faces south, Gruhakshat is considered auspicious. While Sugreev, Pushpadant, and Varun are fortunate for west-facing homes, Jayant and Mahendra Pada are good for east-facing homes.

    Vastu Tips for New Home Kitchen

    The kitchen is the most important part of home vastu. It is the place where food is cooked by lighting fires. According to Indian Vastu Shastra, fire is one of the five elements and the kitchen is part of the fire element. The location of the kitchen is must according to Vastu Shastra:

    • Position of Kitchen: The kitchen’s location is considered to be the most auspicious in the South-East (Agni) and South of South-East according to Vastu shastra rules. Aside from that, a north-west corner and a west-facing kitchen can be built.
    • Placement of gas oven & facing of cooking: A cooking stove is required in the kitchen. The question now is about the location and orientation of the gas oven or stove. According to Vastu for Home, the east-facing gas stove is the best. North-facing cooking stoves, on the other hand, are thought to be the worst.
    • Color of kitchen: The color of the kitchen, according to our observations, is determined by its location or position. Colors are chosen to balance the five elements of Vastu Shastra and to correspond to the 16-zone bar chart. The kitchen color should be chosen so that it appears fresh, spacious, and clean. Warm colors are typically preferred in kitchens. House owners prefer the colors red, green, and yellow.

    Vastu Tips for New Home Pooja Room

    Here are the important tips about the pooja room of the home.

    • Position of Pooja Room: It is considered very auspicious if your Pooja room is on the northeast side of your house. If there is insufficient space in your home’s northeast direction, a puja room can be built in the west direction or the middle of the house.
    • Facing of Idol: According to Indian Vastu Shastra, statues and images of gods and goddesses should be placed on the north or east wall of the puja room or mandir. Never face the idol, murti, or image of God north or south.
    • Pooja Room Color: If the Pooja room is on a home’s northeast side, a light lemon or cream color can be used. The pooja area in the center of the house should always be white or light yellow.

    Overall, the Vastu Shastra for New Home is very important and if you want to consult about the tips or other related topics, you can contact us.

    Manglik Dosha Effect and Its Powerful Remedies

    Manglik Dosha Effect and Remedies with Jyotish in Ahmedabad

    Manglik Dosha, also known as Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha, is a belief in Vedic astrology that certain planetary positions at the time of a person’s birth can have adverse effects on their marital life. This dosha is primarily associated with the planet Mars (Mangal) and is believed to cause conflicts, disputes, and even separation or divorce in the married life of an affected individual. While the scientific validity of Manglik Dosha is questionable, it holds significant cultural and astrological importance in some communities. Here, we’ll discuss how Manglik Dosha impacts can be reduced or mitigated according to traditional beliefs according to consult famous astrologer Ahmedabad.

    Understanding Dosha:

    Manglik Dosha is believed to occur when Mars is placed in certain positions in a person’s birth chart, particularly in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house. The most severe form of this dosha is when Mars is in the 7th house, which is associated with marriage and partnerships.

    The effects of Manglik Dosha are thought to manifest as:

    1. Marital Discord: Individuals with this Dosha are believed to be prone to frequent arguments, misunderstandings, and conflicts with their spouses.
    2. Delay in Marriage: It is often believed that those with Manglik Dosha may experience delays in finding a suitable partner or getting married with the help of astrologer for love marriage.
    3. Health Issues for Spouse: There is a belief that the spouse of a This person may suffer from health-related problems.
    4. Separation or Divorce: In extreme cases, it is believed that This Dosha can lead to separation or divorce if not properly addressed.

    Reducing This Dosha Effects:

    In many cultures where Vedic astrology is followed, ThisDosha is taken seriously when considering marriage compatibility. To reduce or mitigate the potential adverse effects of This Dosha, several remedies and precautions are recommended. It’s important to note that the effectiveness of these remedies is a matter of belief, and there is no scientific evidence to support their efficacy. Nevertheless, for those who wish to follow traditional practices, here are some common methods to reduce this Dosha impacts by astrology consultancy services in India:

    1. Marrying a Peepal Tree or Banana Tree:

    In some communities, it is believed that one way to nullify the effects of Manglik Dosha is for the affected individual to first marry a peepal tree (Ficus religiosa) or a banana tree. This symbolic marriage is called “Kumbh Vivah.” After this, the tree is often cut down or the banana tree is uprooted, signifying the end of the marriage with the tree. This ritual is performed to transfer the negative effects of Mars to the tree, ensuring a smooth marriage with a human partner later.

    2. Marrying Another Manglik:

    One common belief is that if both partners in a marriage have This Dosha, the dosha cancels out, and there are no adverse effects. This often leads to matchmaking among individuals with This Dosha to ensure compatibility with vastu making astrologer in Ahmedabad.

    3. Performing Pujas and Homas:

    Various rituals and ceremonies, such as “Mangal Puja” or “Mangal Homa,” are performed to appease the planet Mars. These rituals involve reciting specific mantras, offering prayers, and making offerings to seek the blessings of Mars. They are typically conducted by a priest or astrologer.

    4. Wearing a Coral Gemstone:

    Wearing a red coral gemstone, which is associated with Mars, is believed to pacify the negative effects of This Dosha. It is recommended to consult with an astrologer to determine the right size, weight, and quality of the coral gemstone for the individual.

    5. Fasting on Tuesdays:

    Tuesday is considered the day of Mars, and fasting on this day is believed to be a way to appease the planet. Some individuals with This Dosha may observe a fast on Tuesdays as a remedial measure.

    6. Chanting Mantras:

    Reciting specific mantras dedicated to Mars is thought to be an effective way to reduce the negative effects of This Dosha. The most common mantra associated with Mars is the “Mangal Mantra,” which can be chanted regularly with best vastu making astrologer in Ahmedabad.

    7. Donating to the Poor:

    Making charitable donations, especially red-colored items like red clothes, grains, and red lentils, is considered an act of appeasement for Mars. Donating to the less fortunate is believed to mitigate the adverse effects of Manglik Dosha.

    8. Seeking Guidance from an Astrologer:

    Consulting with an experienced astrologer is crucial for individuals concerned about Manglik Dosha. An astrologer can analyze the birth charts of both partners and provide personalized advice on remedies and precautions to reduce the dosha’s impact.

    In conclusion,

    Manglik Dosha’s impact on marriage can be reduced through traditional remedies like performing pujas, marrying another Manglik, or wearing a coral gemstone. However, it’s crucial to remember that these remedies are based on belief rather than scientific evidence. Modern couples often prioritize compatibility, communication, and trust over astrological considerations by consult famous astrologer in Ahmedabad. The decision to address Manglik Dosha should be made with a balanced perspective, considering both cultural beliefs and personal values while recognizing that a happy and harmonious marriage depends on various factors beyond astrological alignments.


    Kundali matching benefits for finding right Life partner

    Kundali matching benefits for finding right Life partner with Astrologer in Ahmedabad
    Kundali matching , also known as horoscope matching, is a vital practice in Indian astrology for ensuring marital harmony and compatibility between prospective partners. Astrologer Ashish Somani in Ahmedabad is a leading expert in this domain, offering detailed and insightful analyses to help individuals find their ideal life partners and foster enduring relationships.

    The Kootas’ understanding of compatibility factors

    Kootas, a collection of compatibility variables, are at the core of horoscope matching for marriage by Astrologer Ashish Somani. Think of these Kootas as the threads that make up a relationship, each one displaying a different aspect of compatibility.

    1) The Fusion of Spirits, Varna Koota

    Marriage kundali matching produces the Varna Koota, a reflection of the union of spirits for the best astrologer in Ahmedabad. It reflects the harmony between the souls of the spouses and their shared goals, enabling their souls to resound in lovely unison.

    2) The Trust Waltz by Vashy Koota

    Vashya Koota, like a waltz full of trust, perfectly encapsulates the impact that partners have on one another. The rhythm of trust that characterizes a relationship may be seen in this Koota, just as dance partners synchronize their steps.

    3) Tara Koota, author of “Guiding Stars of Endurance”

    The constellation of guiding stars Tara Koota speaks of perseverance and fortitude. These stars guide their ship of partnership through every tide on their trip through life together, ensuring a strong bond that will stand the test of time.

    4) Prosperity and Passion Palette by Yoni Koota

    Yoni Koota creates a canvas filled with wealth and ardor with the partnership is given life by physical attraction, which paints the relationship with intimacy and chemistry.

    5) The Chorus of Home by Graha Maitri Koota

    Horoscope matching’s key component, Graha Maitri Koota, creates a melodic chorus inside the house. This Koota ensures that harmony of compatibility reverberates across every nook and cranny of family life, much like how musical notes merge perfectly in a song.

    6) Gana Koota: The Symphony of Minds, number six

    In a symphony of minds, composed by Gana Koota, the mental frequencies of couples converge. They orchestrate a voyage of shared beliefs and understandings as their thoughts meld perfectly with top astrologer in India.

    7) The Joyful Connection: Rashi Koota or Bhakoota

    Rashi Koota portrays a relationship that encourages smiles and laughter, and she exudes delight. It represents shared delight and jovial companionship, offering a life filled with sunshine.

    8) The Vital Flow by Nadi Koota

    As a reflection of the physical compatibility that supports and feeds the trip, Nadi Koota represents the vital flow. This Koota ensures vitality and living force, much like a river cutting through the terrain.

    Astrologers: Lighthouses

    The knowledge of the top astrologer in Ahmedabad acts as a lighthouse on this celestial route while Kundali Matching is the key to understanding compatibility. Their perceptions, like constellations, shed light on the subtleties that direct the course of love.

    Kundali for Long-Lasting Love

    On A Positive Note Matching is more than just a ritual; it is a compass that leads us through the confusing web of connections. It displays the compatibility strands that run through the fabric of a relationship by a famous astrologer in India.  

    This amazing voyage becomes a journey of certainty when we compile the wisdom of knowledgeable astrologers. It demonstrates the power of marriage compatibility and tells a story of love and community as well.

    And if your marriage is giving you trouble, don’t worry! The best astrologers in India are available to help with love and marriage issues. They will lead you towards a happier future when problems are overcome by love.

    In summary –

    Just as stars in the wide cosmos line up, so do hearts in the world of love. Kundali matching reveals the mysteries of compatibility by turning the cosmic dance into a language of coexistence.

    This voyage is transformed into a pilgrimage of love with the assistance of specialists like Astrologer Ashish Somani. Get in touch with him for Kundali matching and solutions to marriage issues.
