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Venus Bedroom Vaastu Tips for Enhancing Pleasure, Money, and Relationships

Venus Bedroom Vaastu Tips for Enhancing Pleasure, Money, and Relationships with Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

Venus, referred to as Shukra in astrology, exerts a profound influence over various aspects of life, including pleasure, wealth, spouse, and relationships. Its significance is often compared to the mythical “Sanjivani Buti” in astrological texts, symbolizing vitality and harmony in life’s essential dimensions.

In astrology, Venus holds distinct roles based on gender: in a male’s horoscope, it signifies the wife or partner, embodying qualities of love, beauty, and companionship. For females, Venus represents the self, influencing their self-image, attractiveness, and personal values. Understanding these dynamics allows individuals to harness Venus’s energies to optimize their living spaces for enhanced harmony and prosperity.

Exploring Venus’s Influence:

Venus’s domain extends beyond material pleasures to encompass emotional fulfillment and aesthetic appreciation. It governs the ability to derive joy from life’s comforts, fosters creativity and artistic expression, and plays a pivotal role in forming harmonious relationships. In Vaastu Shastra, aligning the bedroom environment with Venus’s principles can significantly enhance these aspects of life.

General Guidelines for Bedroom Vaastu:

  1. Neatness and Cleanliness: Keep the bedroom and bed clean and tidy to maintain a smooth flow of energy, which affects both financial stability and relationships.

  2. Fragrance Considerations: Opt for soothing scents like rose and jasmine in the bedroom to enhance positive energy. Avoid fragrances like lemon grass, sandalwood, or orange, which may disrupt the subtle balance.

  3. Bedding and Linens: Ensure bed sheets and linens are free from cuts or holes. Damaged bedding combines Shukra with Ketu, potentially leading to financial setbacks and strained relationships.

  4. Pillow Shape: Use square or rectangular pillows to maintain the harmonious influence of Shukra. Triangular pillows represent Ketu and may disrupt positive energies in the bedroom.

  5. Avoid Certain Decorations: Steer clear of pictures or symbols of Lord Sun, Ganesh, snakes, flags, or dogs in the bedroom, as they can introduce energies conflicting with Shukra’s harmonizing influence.

  6. Eating in Bed: Avoid eating meals on the bed, as it is believed to bring financial losses and strain relationships between couples.

Influence of Bed Sheet Colors on Harmony:

  • Black/Brown Color: These colors may bring dullness to life and tie up money in long-term projects, causing one partner to focus excessively on work at the expense of relationship aspects.

  • Yellow Color: Yellow bed sheets may lead to minor disagreements over knowledge sharing but encourage spending on religious activities or travel to sacred places.

  • Light Blue Color: Promotes harmony between couples, with both partners influenced by external opinions or foreign cultures, often leading to lavish spending and preferences for foreign-branded items.

  • Shiny White Color: Shiny white bed sheets are beneficial, but pure white ones should be avoided to prevent potential illness in the female partner. Those with shiny white sheets may enjoy home comforts and water-related activities.

  • White with Black Design: This combination can disturb sleep and contribute to digestive issues, leading to emotional spending and overthinking, often with preferences for grey or white vehicles.

  • Green Color: Favorable for couples expecting children or with young kids, but may attract multiple relationships and skin-related issues for adult children.

  • Pink Color: Promotes emotional bonding and joint financial arrangements between partners. Couples with pink bed sheets often share meals and similar food habits, fostering a deep emotional connection.

  • Red Color: Signifies strong physical intimacy between partners but may lead to occasional severe conflicts where neither partner yields. It often indicates a prosperous family life with potential gains from in-laws or inheritance.


Following these Vaastu tips for your bedroom based on Shukra’s influence can significantly enhance pleasure, financial stability, and relationship harmony. By aligning your living space with these principles, you create a conducive environment that supports personal well-being and strengthens interpersonal connections, ensuring a balanced and prosperous life.

For Detailed Vaastu consultancy of your home you may connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani
You can also Book and Appointment by https://astrologerashishsomani.com/appointment/


Vastu Tips for Mercury and Stair Placement in Home

Vastu Tips for Mercury and Stair Placement in Home by Vastu Consultant

The arrangement and positioning of stairs within a home are believed to significantly influence the flow of energy and various aspects of life, particularly governed by specific planets like Mercury. Here’s an elaboration on the tips related to stairs and Mercury’s influence:

Understanding Mercury and Stairs in Vastu

Stairs in a home are associated with Mercury, a planet symbolizing communication, intellect, and commerce in Vedic astrology. Their placement and what is stored or placed beneath them can either enhance or disrupt these aspects of life.

  1. Food Storage:

    • Food represents the Moon, which is not friendly with Mercury. Storing food below the stairs can adversely affect Mercury’s influence, potentially leading to challenges in business, communication, or even academic pursuits. This arrangement may result in financial losses or misunderstandings in interpersonal relationships.
  2. Shoe Rack:

    • Placing a shoe rack below the stairs combines the energies of Saturn and Mercury. While this can be beneficial for professional stability, it may hinder the growth and social activities of children. Individuals in such homes might find themselves less inclined towards travel and socializing due to this arrangement.
  3. Washroom Placement:

    • A washroom situated beneath the stairs combines the energies of Rahu and Mercury. This alignment is believed to have negative effects, particularly impacting children adversely. It may contribute to health issues or psychological challenges among younger residents.
  4. Cloth Storage:

    • Storing clothes below the stairs combines Mercury’s energy with that of Venus, which is generally favorable. This arrangement can enhance the aesthetic appeal and harmony within the household.
  5. Newspaper Storage:

    • Keeping newspapers below the stairs is considered auspicious, fostering a positive flow of information and communication throughout the home.
  6. Garbage Storage:

    • Storing garbage below the stairs is generally discouraged as it disrupts the flow of positive energy associated with Mercury and can lead to overall negativity in the household environment.
  7. Cut in Stairs or Plants Like Cactus:

    • Any structural cuts in stairs or the presence of plants like cactus near them can create disturbances related to Mercury. It is advised to maintain the integrity of staircases and avoid plants that symbolize negativity or require careful handling.
  8. Electronic Devices:

    • Non-functional electronic devices such as mobile phones, TVs, or music systems should not be kept in the home as they can adversely affect Mercury’s influence. This may result in technological failures or disruptions in communication.
  9. Toys and Communication Devices:

    • Broken toys that create noise or damaged communication devices like mobile phones should be avoided, especially around children. These items can impact speech development in young ones and hinder effective communication within the family.
  10. Positioning Opposite the Main Gate:

    • If stairs are directly opposite the main entrance, caution should be exercised in communication, particularly with partners or spouses. Miscommunications in such homes can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings.
  11. Impact on Children:

    • If a child is born in a home where stairs are positioned opposite the main gate, they may tend to be shorter in height and inclined towards pursuing studies in commerce-related fields.
  12. Placement of Surya Photo Frame:

    • Placing a photo frame of the Sun (Surya) above the stairs is considered auspicious, bringing prosperity and positive energy flow into the home.
  13. Energy Flow Considerations:

    • Stairs represent a continuous flow of energy within a home. Care should be taken to avoid sitting or sleeping directly opposite to the opening or closing of stairs, as this may disrupt the natural flow of energy in the living space.

In conclusion, adhering to Vastu principles regarding the placement and usage of stairs can significantly influence the harmony and well-being of occupants. By carefully considering these tips related to Mercury’s influence on stairs, individuals can optimize the flow of positive energy within their homes and mitigate potential challenges in communication, health, and overall prosperity.

For more Insights you can also Book Vastu Consultation with Astrologer Ashish somani

Mercury Mysteries in Astrology: Traits, Challenges, and Remedies

Mercury Mysteries in Astrology: Traits, Challenges, and Remedies with  Jyotish in Ahmedabad

Budh in Vedic astrology, holds a significant position in the celestial hierarchy, governing the 3rd and 6th houses in the astrological chart. These houses represent crucial aspects of life such as communication, disease, daily work routines, loans, enemies, siblings, short travels, and valor. In astrological symbolism, It is often depicted as a Prince—a figure endowed with the freedom to act impulsively, yet supported by the authority of the King. This analogy underscores It’s dual nature of versatility, intellect, and unpredictability, which necessitates careful attention and management in astrological practice.

Understanding Budh Influence

Characteristics of a Good Mercury Person

Individuals blessed with a strong influence of It exhibit distinct traits that enhance their personal and professional lives:

  1. Physical Traits and Movement: Typically, they are short in stature and move with agility, reflecting their quick wit and energetic disposition.

  2. Communication Skills: Exceptional communicators, they excel in verbal and written expression. Their adeptness in paperwork and the art of persuasion through words enables them to navigate challenges effectively and win arguments convincingly.

  3. Professional Strengths: Proficient in trading, business, and finance, they are drawn to careers involving accounts, taxation, commerce, and intellectual pursuits. Their analytical minds and strategic acumen contribute to their success in these fields.

  4. Living Preferences: They prefer residences that connect them directly to the earth, such as bungalows with spacious gardens or flats adorned with indoor plants. These choices reflect their affinity for groundedness and natural elements, which harmonize with Mercury’s influence.

  5. Social Tendencies: With a keen interest in social interactions, they enjoy engaging in discussions on diverse topics. Their ability to communicate effectively fosters networks and alliances, enhancing their social and professional spheres.

Traits of a Challenged Mercury Person

Conversely, individuals afflicted by a weak or negatively influenced may encounter various challenges:

  1. Communication Issues: They tend to struggle with communication, often unintentionally hurting others with their words due to a lack of diplomacy or clarity.

  2. Paperwork and Organization: Poor organizational skills and illegible handwriting are common traits, leading to difficulties in managing paperwork and administrative tasks.

  3. Temperamental Challenges: Prone to short tempers and impulsive decision-making, they may act hastily without considering long-term consequences.

  4. Health Considerations: Issues related to dental hygiene, such as foul breath, can manifest, indicating underlying health or self-care neglect influenced by Mercury’s adverse effects.

Remedies for Managing a Challenged Budh

To alleviate the negative impacts of a weakened Budh astrological practices and practical remedies are recommended:

  1. Home Environment:

    • Avoid keeping plants indoors, as they can amplify negative Mercury influences.
    • Ensure that steel or earthen pitchers are not placed near the ceiling, as this placement is considered unfavorable according to Vastu principles.
    • Keep large earthen pitchers (Matkas and Ghadhas) filled with grains to symbolize abundance and stability within the household.
    • Arrange cups and glasses in open positions to facilitate positive energy flow and circulation.
  2. Service and Charitable Acts:

    • Engaging in acts of service, such as serving meals to small children or supporting marginalized communities like eunuchs, can help balance Mercury’s negative effects.
    • Donating items related to grass, plants, and playgrounds for children can also contribute positively to mitigating adverse influences.
  3. Household Practices:

    • Arrange stairs in a clockwise direction within the home to align with traditional Vastu practices and harmonize energies.
    • Maintain good dental hygiene practices, as dental issues in individuals can signify potential challenges in business or personal endeavors influenced by Mercury.
    • Use alum (Fitkari) in dental care rituals to nullify the adverse effects of Mercury, promoting oral health and overall well-being.
  4. Color and Item Avoidance:

    • Individuals with negative Mercury influences are advised to minimize the use of green colors, which can exacerbate negative tendencies and energies.
    • Avoid accumulating unused keys or storing shells and related items in the household, as they are believed to attract unfavorable influences.
  5. Care for Documents and Books:

    • Keep important documents, such as degree certificates, in pristine condition to symbolize respect for intellectual pursuits and professional achievements.
    • Donate books to playgrounds or community centers rather than schools, as per astrological advice, to propagate positive energies associated with Mercury.
  6. Enhancing Relationships:

    • Foster positive relationships by showing kindness and offering sweets to sisters, daughters, and aunts, thereby enhancing Mercury’s beneficial influences within familial bonds.

Spiritual Remedies

  1. Prayer and Devotion:
    • Regular prayers to Lord Ganesh and Durga Mata are recommended to appease Budh and mitigate its negative astrological effects.
    • Performing specific prayers and rituals on Wednesdays, considered auspicious for Budh, can help harmonize its influence and bring about positive transformations.

Mercury’s influence extends across numerous facets of life, impacting both personal and professional dimensions. By understanding It’s traits and diligently applying these astrological remedies and practical measures, individuals can effectively mitigate negative influences and cultivate a more balanced, prosperous life aligned with the harmonious flow of celestial energies.

You may Contact Astrologer Ashish Somani for Vastu Consultancy or Astrological Guidance 




Saturn and your profession improvement with Vaastu

Saturn and your profession improvement with Vaastu By Vastu Consultant  Astrologer Ashish Somnai

Saturn, known as Shani in Vedic astrology, is the natural significator of karma, the actions and deeds we perform in our lives. Our business, profession, and job are significant aspects of our karma. To improve the influence of Saturn in these areas, we can incorporate certain practices and remedies into our daily lives. Here, we will discuss some general ways to enhance Saturn’s positive effects and mitigate its challenges.

Importance of Shoes and Shoe Rack

Saturn represents our shoes, as they are made of leather, a material linked to Saturn. The shoe rack, where we store our shoes, is a place where Saturn resides. Therefore, the condition of the shoe rack is crucial. It should be made of durable materials such as stone, wood, or iron, and it must be properly covered and kept clean. A distorted and messy shoe rack can lead to hiccups in one’s profession. Keeping the shoe rack in good condition can help stabilize and enhance professional life.

Hair Care

Saturn is also the significator of hair on our body. Maintaining clean and well-organized hair is essential. Proper hair care can improve Saturn’s influence, thereby positively impacting one’s profession. Neglecting hair care can be a sign of Saturn’s adverse effects, leading to challenges in professional life.

Exercise and Leg Care

Our legs are signified by Saturn, making leg health an important aspect of improving Saturn’s influence. Regular morning walks or exercises that focus on the legs can enhance professional prospects. Any pain or issues with the legs can signal potential changes or losses in profession, so it’s essential to address leg health promptly.

Office Chair and Professional Stability

The office chair is another significant item associated with Saturn. A break or change in the office chair can indicate disturbances in one’s professional life. Maintaining a stable and comfortable office chair can help in sustaining professional stability.

Food and Workplace Etiquette

Moon represents food, and Moon is the natural enemy of Saturn. Eating food at your work desk can bring disturbances to your professional life. It’s advisable to avoid eating at your work desk or table to maintain harmony in your profession.

Western Direction in House/Business Place

In Vaastu Shastra, the western direction is governed by Saturn. This area should be kept cool and should include elements of water. Any dirty or old items in the western direction can bring misery to one’s profession. Keeping this area clean and free from old, unusable articles and rusted iron goods is crucial.

Respect for Time

Saturn, along with the Sun, governs time. Having non-functional clocks in your home or business can bring disruption. Ensuring that all timepieces are working properly can help maintain professional stability.

Cleanliness and Respect for Elders

The place opposite to the entrance, the last part of the house or office, is another natural place for Saturn. This area should be neat and clean. Saturn is also the significator of elderly people and the poor. Showing respect and politeness to elders, poor people, and those who work for you, like house help or juniors in the office, can enhance Saturn’s positive influence.

Bringing New Items

If Saturn is well-placed in your chart, bringing in new items such as wallets, belts, shoes, and furniture can be beneficial for your business and profession. However, if Saturn is poorly placed, introducing new items may invite misery. It’s important to be cautious and mindful of these changes.

Remedies for Saturn

  1. Help the Poor and Elderly: Assisting those in need, especially the elderly, can significantly improve Saturn’s influence.
  2. Donate to Handicapped Persons: Donating items such as wheelchairs to handicapped individuals can be beneficial. NGOs like Narayan Seva Sansthan can facilitate these donations.
  3. Use Oil for Legs and Hair: Regularly applying oil to your legs and hair can improve Saturn’s effects.
  4. Respect for Legal Professionals: Avoid using derogatory language towards lawyers, judges, and the judiciary. Respect for the legal profession is essential as Saturn signifies law.
  5. Pray to Lord Mahadev: Offering prayers to Lord Mahadev can help mitigate Saturn’s challenges.
  6. Offer Oil to Lord Shani: On Saturday evenings, offering oil to Lord Shani can be a powerful remedy.
  7. Feed Crows: Offering food to crows is another way to appease Saturn.
  8. Chanting Mantras: Reciting the mantra “Nilanjana samabhasam raviputram yamagrajam. Chaya martanda sambhutam tam namami shaishcharam” can help in reducing Saturn’s negative effects.
    you can also Read Saturn and Ketu Combination and  Saturn and Rahu Combination 

For a Personalized Reading you can connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani or Book and Appointment with us. 

Venus-Moon Combination in Astrology: Unveiling the Intricacies

Venus-Moon Combination in Astrology: Unveiling the Intricacies

The conjunction of Venus and the Moon in a natal chart is a fascinating and complex aspect in Vedic astrology. These two celestial bodies represent very different energies and influences, making their combination particularly nuanced and intricate. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, luxury, and wealth, when combined with the Moon, which signifies emotions, mind, mother, and nurturing, creates a blend that affects various aspects of an individual’s life. Here, we delve into the generalized predictions and the potential impacts of this conjunction with the Best Jyotish in Ahmedabad

General Characteristics and Traits

  1. Sweet Voice and Love for Singing: Individuals with the Venus-Moon combination often possess a very melodious and sweet voice. They are naturally inclined towards music and may have a talent for singing. This trait stems from the harmonious and artistic nature of Venus combined with the emotional expression associated with the Moon.

  2. Physical Appearance: People with this combination usually have a round face and a fair complexion. Venus bestows beauty and attractiveness, while the Moon enhances a soft, gentle appearance. Their physical charm is often one of their most noticeable features.

  3. Fondness for Dairy Products: A strong preference for milk, curd, and other dairy products is commonly seen in these individuals. This is symbolic of the nurturing and comforting qualities of the Moon, combined with Venus’s love for indulgence and luxury.

  4. Closeness to Mother: The Moon’s influence highlights a deep emotional bond with the mother. These individuals often seek comfort and guidance from their mothers and may have a significant maternal influence in their lives.

  5. Skin-Related Issues: Despite their attractive appearance, they may face skin problems, particularly on the face. This could be due to the delicate and sensitive nature of their skin, influenced by the Moon’s emotional sensitivity and Venus’s focus on beauty.

Emotional and Financial Aspects

  1. Emotional Spending: Their spending habits are often driven by their emotions. They might indulge in shopping sprees or make financial decisions based on their emotional state rather than practical considerations, leading to impulsive spending.

  2. Favorite Colors: Light blue and light pink are typically their preferred colors. These hues reflect the soothing and gentle nature of the Moon and the aesthetic preferences of Venus.

  3. Frequent Changes in Relationships: Relationships can be unstable for these individuals. The Moon’s changing nature, combined with Venus’s desire for love and companionship, can lead to frequent changes in romantic relationships.

  4. Attractive Personality: Their personality is often very attractive and charming, drawing people towards them. This magnetic appeal is a direct result of the harmonious energy of Venus and the nurturing aspect of the Moon.

  5. Ease in Wealth Generation: Money tends to come easily to them, often through liquid assets or investments in luxurious items. This financial ease is due to Venus’s association with wealth and luxury.

Relationship Dynamics

  1. Meeting Spouse Near Water or Food Points: They are likely to meet their spouse in places associated with water or food, or during travel. This aligns with the nurturing and life-sustaining qualities of both Venus and the Moon.

  2. Emotional Decisions in Relationships: Their decisions regarding relationships are heavily influenced by emotions. They may say yes to a relationship if the other person displays vulnerability, such as crying in front of them.

  3. Early Relationships and Maternal Influence: Female natives with this combination often experience early relationships and may have their mother’s influence in their romantic decisions. For male natives, there might be significant conflicts between the mother and the spouse, creating tension within the family dynamics.

Spiritual and Practical Guidance

  • Praying to Goddess Parvati: To mitigate the negative effects of this combination, it is advised to pray to Goddess Parvati. This practice can bring balance and harmony, especially in relationships and emotional well-being.

  • Caution in Relationships: Special care should be taken in relationships, particularly at an early age. Understanding the emotional nature and the potential for instability can help in making more informed and balanced decisions.

In conclusion, the Venus-Moon combination brings a blend of beauty, emotional depth, and financial ease, but also challenges in relationships and emotional stability. By understanding and navigating these influences, individuals can leverage the positive aspects while mitigating the negatives, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.
For a Personal Reading do Connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani or Book an Appointment
