Sunlight Direction in Your Home and its impact on life Vedic Astrology with Astrologer in Ahmedabad
Sun Is the Soul (Atma) in the Kundali, So it is very important to see where sun is sitting in the chart.
When we ask what our soul wants then we need to see placement of sun in the chart, wherever it is sitting soul is attached to the karma of that house and Planet.
Here we elaborate what are the effect of sun light coming in our house at various places and what are the general remedies to minimize the negative impact.
If the It is coming at front door of the house, then it is good for self-development, Person will be of kingly nature, Egoistic, working towards the masses, Related to Government,
if some person wants to have popularity or want to be successful in the profession related to government or wants to serve the public in general then he should reside in a house where the sun light enters from the front door or from the front area.
If you are already living in such house then you may have all the qualities as narrated above, however care should be taken for partnership and relation with spouse, mostly in this cases person are so much occupied with the society work or government work that he could not enjoy his/her martial life.
If we go little ahead from the front gate and It is coming from Left side of house then it is good position for sun, the person will get gain from government, he may have good connection from government, one of the elder sibling/friends will be in government, personal with this position will be usually seen in government contracting work or liaison related work.
If person is related to all such occupation, then he must reside in the house stated above to get good benefit from government, care should be taken for Kids education as the person may be very dominating towards kids. Care should also be taken in love and self-education as some disturbance will be seen in that.
If we go little ahead and It is coming from right side of the house then it gives friends in government, House is near to some government institution, or the area/city is famous for that. Person may have ancestor wealth or name attached to him; in terms of money this is a combination of person having normal wealth.
Work of the person will never get stuck in government due to their strong connection, still they cannot earn with that, or they cannot earn money from Liaison
If we stand in the center of the house and It is coming from right side of the house then it is not a good combination, person will face or impose disciplined in home environment, this will ruin his family life, member of the family will not like his company as they will be more fearful in his presence.
In profession also he will try for government job however will not be successful in that due to higher self-EGO.
If we stand in the center of the house and It is coming from the left side of the house then it is very good position Sun is very powerful in that sector and person will have occupation related to government, He may have politician, religious leader, or Government Employee. Person with such combination will get fame due to their work, Negative impact of this is that family life ruined due to extreme busyness in work.
If we go further and sun light is coming between center and end of the house from the left portion of the house, then it is very good combination, person get wealth and fortune from his father/ancestors, he is very religious, will travel a lot and get money very easily.
This is one the best combination for good wealth and fortune, If the person do not enter in politics and do work for general public, he will be very fortunate and will get good name.
If we go further and It is coming between center and end of the house from the right portion of the house it is good for kids education, kids will be scholar and will get recognition in their education, Kids will bring fame to parents.
It is good for promotion in Job, person with such combination will generally work as head of the institution or at a very reputed post.
Care should be taken in love as person ego may destroy the love and give regrets of lifetime, generally person with this combination will regret their decision taken in Love and education due to their self-EGO.
If the It is coming from the back side of house or at the end of house this is not a good combination, person will suffer from the negative impact of sun, they get lot of transformation in their life, They look for fame but will get after lot of efforts, relation with spouse are ruined due to opposite partners is very dominating, Spouse of the person is very demanding and more of like a disciplined person, he/she occasionally humiliate the partner.
In Profession also they get success after lot of efforts, they are talented but could not utilize their full potential. For Occult this is very good combination person will get occult knowledge very easily, they are more like soul searcher lost in the material life.
The above is general prediction and actual result may vary based on the direction of the house and planet combination in the chart.
The best way to please lord sun is reciting Aditya Hridhay Stotra, Person should also wake up before sun rise and should offer water to lord sun, to mitigate the negative effect of evening sun rays one should use heavy curtains in the southwest/south/west side of the house.
In some cases where EGO is uplifted due to excess sun light in house, installation of wooden walls or curtain will reduce the negative impact.
Care should also be taken before installing the Sun art effect as placing sun in negative direction will ruin the good fortune, horses painting which is very common in houses should also need to be carefully placed as it carries energy of sun and give result very fast.
Wheat is also related to sun so storage of wheat should be seen properly, Sun Being soul of person is very important so utmost care should be taken before placing any art effect, painting, clocks in the house.
For more Insight you can book an Appointment with Astrologer Ashish Somani Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad
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