
Bhrugu Shah

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Bhrugu Shah

I was the biggest disbeliever in astrology but on the other hand my wife used to believe in it and upon her insistence I contacted Mr Ashish just to get some insight about so called future . I still remember my first conversation, this guy was so dam right about my past that I was sell shocked. Few past incidents he narrated to me about my family left me speechless. I also confirmed with my mom about those incidents and yes he was right , those thing did actual happened in past with them . This guy is very fair , straight talk no damn sugar coating. Since last 6 years I repeatedly contact him for my future guidance. He made me a biggest believer of god and astrology. He filled my life with positive energy. Ashish bhai it’s not just for saying but you have really helped me in my damn worst situations by guiding me to right path . For me you are one of the person whom I admire and have immense respect for your astrology knowledge.
